Ch 12 A Shadow rider has come

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Jaden awoke and looked at Alexis sleeping and he thought that she was an angel when she sleeps. Jaden then had an idea to not use Dark Fusion in his next duel and use the Polymerization to summon Elemental Heroes instead of his normal Evil Heroes. He wanted to mix it up so that his duels would not be more fun for himself. He then gets up and in doing so he awoke his girlfriend Alexis. She looked at him because she loved him. They both got ready for school and they smiled at one another Jaden then went to school with Alexis. Many people looked at the happy couple kind of weird.

They didn't care about it but Chazz sure did. Jaden, Alexis, Chazz, Bastion, Zane, Crowler, and Banner were called to Chancellor Sheppard's office. Sheppard said "I need the seven of you to guard the spirit gate keys from being taken from the wicked ones. And no Jaden is not one of them even though he looks like one." Everyone looked at Jaden and gave them an evil stare to keep their distance from him but Alexis was not afraid of him anymore. Sheppard continued "I want you seven to guard these keys and keep them away from the shadow riders."

Jaden already knew that one was on the island for Yubel had sensed him. Jaden took the key and with that Jaden and Alexis went back to their dorm. Jaden then decided to warn his friends Syrus and Chumley about the danger and Alexis came with him. When they got there was a note that said "meet me at the volcano I have your friends and bring those spirit keys with you" Jaden was angry that the shadow rider was using his friends as bait. Jaden then ran to the volcano and so did Alexis.

Jaden got to the volcano and saw that both Syrus and Chumley were in the air over the volcano. Jaden tried to use his power get them out but it was no use. Then the Shadow Rider appeared and said "welcome my king I see that you are as strong as ever." Jaden looked at the rider and then flash backs began to penetrate his head. He wanted then to stop but then saw that this rider was apart of his past. The rider laughed and said "well it took you long enough to finally remember me I'm hurt I never forgot. After all you are the one that send be back to the shadows and now I have come to take the beasts from this island.

Jaden said "enough if you want the beasts then you have to go though me." The rider laughed again and said "I would be more than glad to take you down then I will take that girl behind you and send her to the worse possible place in the world." Jaden looked at Alexis, his eyes shows that he would never allow his girl or his babies to be harmed in any way. The rider laughed again and said "so you are the father of her child in her womb I will look forward to destroying both you and your offspring."

Jaden said "no I will never let that happen so get your game on Nightshroud."  Both said "duel" and started their duel disks. Alexis backed away so she could give her boyfriend some space. Nightshroud said "my turn, I draw. I summon Troop Dragon in defense mode (800def) and I play one card face down." Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I play Elemental Hero Wildheart in attack mode (1500atk). Now I attack your Troop Dragon." Nightshroud said "due to my Troop Dragon effect I can summon another Troop Dragon on the field and in defense mode." Jaden ended his turn.

Nightshroud said "my turn, I draw. I play my face down Call of the Haunted to bring back my Troop Dragon. Now I will sarfice them both to summon Red Eyes Black Dragon in attack mode (2400atk). Now attack his Wildheart. With that I will end my turn." Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I play Polymerization to fuse Burstinatrix and Clayman to form Elemental Hero Rampart Blaster in defense mode (2500def). Now my monster deals 1000 points of damage for each turn it is in defense mode. With that I will end my turn."

Nightshround said "my turn, I draw. I play Inferno Fire Blast so now you take 2400 points of damage but my Red eyes can't attack this turn. I summon Attachment Dragon in attack mode and I can equip him with your Rampart Blaster forcing it to remain in attack mode (2000atk). I end my turn." Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I play Pot of Greed to draw two cards. Now I play De-Fusion to deform my Blaster into Clayman and Burstinatrix in attack mode (800atk and 1200atk). Now I play Fusion Sage to add Polymerization from my deck to my hand. Now I fuse Sparkman and Clayman to form Elemental Hero Thunder Giant in attack mode (2400atk). Now I attack your Red Eyes with Tjunder Giant."

Both monsters were destroyed and Jaden attacks with Burstinatrix and Jaden played Mirage of Nightmare to draw until he has four cards during his opponents standby faze. Jaden places one card face down and ends his turn. Nightshroud said "my turn, I draw." Jaden said "I draw four cards but now I will get rid of Mirage of Nightmare by playing Emergency Provisions now I gain 1000 life points." Nightshroud said " I summon Mirage Dragon in attack mode (1600atk). Now attack Burstinatrix. I now end my turn."

Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I play Bubbleman in attack mode I can now draw 2 cards. Now I play Silent Doom to summon back Sparkman. Next I play Fusion Gate. Now I fuse Sparkman, Bubbleman, and Avian to summon Elemental Hero Tempest in attack mode (2800atk). Now attack his Mirage Dragon. With that I will play a face down and end my turn." Nightshroud said "my turn, I draw. I play Red Eyes Black Chick and I can now summon his daddy Red Eyes Black Dragon. Now I safrice my Red Eyes to summon Red Eyes Darkness Dragon in attack mode (2400atk). My monster gains 300 attack points for each dragon in my grave (4500atk). Now attack Tempest." 

Jaden said "I play my face down Negate Attack so the battle phase ends." Nightshroud ends his turn. Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I play Wroughtweiler in defense mode (1200def) and switch Tempest to defense mode and end my turn." Nightshroud said "my turn, I draw. I play Spear Dragon in attack mode (1900atk). Now I play Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy Fusion Gate. Now Spear Dragon attack Wroughtweiler and he has piercing damage." Jaden then activates Wroughtweiler's effect to add Wildheart and Polymerization to his hand. Next Nightshroud destroyed Tempest.

Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I summon Wildheart in attack mode (1500atk). I now play Wild Half to halve the attack of your Red Eyes original attack. Now you get a half token with that is the same as Red Eyes and it has the same attack strength (3300atk). Now I play Polymerization to fuse Wildheart and Bladedge to summon Elemental Hero Wildedge. Now I play Skyscraper and to let you know my monster can attack all of your monsters. Wildedge gains 1000atk for he has less attack than your Darkness Dragons so go attack both his dragons and bring me victory."

With that the duel was over and Nightshroud was sealed into a card that Jaden had on him. Jaden then walked over to Nightshroud and asked Alexis "is this your brother?" Alexis looked at his face and began to cry she had finally found her missing brother. She was so happy that Jaden had saved her brother from Nightshroud that after Atticus had been moved into the nurses office and everyone was notified that the shadow rider had been defeated Alexis made love to Jaden as a reward. They both held each other in their arms and slept soundly as a new shadow rider was coming.

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