Ch 13 Vampire Attacks

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So Jaden awoke the next day hoping to see Alexis next to him but she wasn't there. He then knew where she would be. He went to the nurses office and say that Alexis was crying. He walked in and said "Alexis are you ok?" Alexis said "I just wish that my brother would awake from this sleep that he is in." Jaden walked over to Alexis and comforted her. He told her that he would do everything in his power to bring back Atticus for he wanted to see Alexis smile again. They walked out of the nurses office and went to class.

Jaden asked before they went to class a question. Jaden said "Alexis I know that this is going to be a difficult question but I would like an answer. Are you my girlfriend?" Alexis was shocked by the question but gave an answer in her own way. She kissed the armored boy and said "yes I am your girlfriend or if you'd like fiancée." Jaden was surprised at this but said "for the moment you are my girlfriend but I will one day ask you to be my supreme queen ok." Alexis smiled and ran into class. Jaden over heard some students talk about a vampire being on the school grounds. Jaden thought 'not another shadow rider I thought I would get a break from them. Maybe someone else can help defeat this shadow rider.'

As the night grew Jaden and the rest of the key keepers went to where they had heard the vampire was. Crowler and Banner were trying to sneak away when they hit each other and Crolwer stepped forward in front of the bunch. All the key keepers were in agreement that Crowler should duel that shadow rider first. They then watched as a carpet on the water appeared and a woman was approaching them on the carpet.

The vampire said "well it looks like my victims have come to me. Now you will hand over the keys and I will not show you what a vampire can do." Crowler said "I challenge you to a duel." The vampire said "I will show you the power of the shadows." They started their duel disks and said "duel." Camula draws "Zombie Werewolf" and subsequently Normal Summons it (1200/1200) in Attack Position. She then Sets a card.

Crowler draws. He then activates "Ancient Gear Castle". Now all "Ancient Gear" monsters will gain 300 ATK while "Ancient Gear Castle" will gain 1 Counter whenever Crowler Normal Summons or Sets a monster. If Crowler Tribute Summons a monster he can substitute "Ancient Gear Castle" for a Tribute(s) if the number of counters on "Ancient Gear Castle" is greater than or equal to the number of Tributes required. He then Normal Summons "Ancient Gear Soldier" (1300 → 1600/1300) in Attack Position. Due to this card's effect, Camula is forbidden from activating any Spells or Traps when it attacks until the end of the Damage Step. "Ancient Gear Castle" gains one Counter due to its effect.

"Ancient Gear Soldier" attacks and destroys "Zombie Werewolf" (Camula 4000 → 3600). Since "Zombie Werewolf" was destroyed in battle and sent to the Graveyard, its effect activates, allowing Camula to Special Summon another "Zombie Werewolf" from her Deck in Attack Position (1200/1200) and increase its ATK by 500 (newly summoned "Zombie Werewolf": 1200 → 1700/1200). Crowler Sets a card.

Camula draws. She then Normal Summons "Vampire Bat" (800/1200) in Attack Position. Due to this card's effect, all Zombie-Type monsters that Camula controls will gain 200 ATK while "Vampire Bat" is on the field ("Vampire Bat": 800 → 1000/800; "Zombie Werewolf": 1700 → 1900/1200). "Zombie Werewolf" attacks and destroys "Ancient Gear Soldier" (Crowler 4000 → 3700). "Vampire Bat" attacks directly (Crowler 3700 → 2700). Crowler then activates his face-down "Damage Condenser" to Special Summon another "Ancient Gear Soldier" (1300 → 1600/1300) in Attack Position (as its ATK is equal or less than the combined Battle Damage Crowler took this turn).

Crowler draws "Heavy Storm". He then Tributes "Ancient Gear Soldier" in order to Tribute Summon "Ancient Gear Beast" (2000 → 2300/2000) in Attack Position. "Ancient Gear Castle" then gains one Counter, giving it a total of two. "Ancient Gear Beast" attacks and destroys "Zombie Werewolf" (Camula 3600 → 3200). Due to the effect of "Ancient Gear Beast", the effects of "Zombie Werewolf" are negated when "Ancient Gear Beast" destroys it in battle, so Camula cannot Special Summon her third "Zombie Werewolf" from her Deck.

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