Ch 4 First Date

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Jaden awoke the next day and went to school. During class Alexis was Speaking  about normal spell cards. In Jaden's mind he was saying 'Alexis is hot and her voice is so seducing, wait what am I thinking I am not interested in this girl even if she was apart of my past. The supreme king has not friends and he has no love.' As Alexis ended Crowler praised Alexis for her excellent job. Alexis looked at Jaden who happened to have his face plate down so she couldn't see his blush.  Jaden then directed his attention to Crowler who happened to be picking on Syrus and Jaden got angry that he was bullying a Slifer kid. Crowler said "now can anyone tell me what a field spell does, how about you Syrus." Syrus was so nervous that he had been called on and said "I don't know."

Crowler said "even a pre-duelist knows what a field spell is." Jaden stepped in and said "if a pre-duelist knows then why don't you tell us what it is Crowler." Crowler was now showing anger that someone was questioning his teaching and he said "what? I beg your pardon Mr. Yuki but maybe you should tell us what a field spell does!"

Jaden said "of course. A field spell obviously affects the due field. But may fields spells affect the duel field in different forms. For example, the field spell card Umi affects only certain types of monsters. The monster in general that are affected by Umi are Aqua, Sea-Serpent, Thunder, and Fish type monsters. But it also affects Pyro and Machine type monsters. The Thunder, Fish, Sea-Serpent, and Aqua type monsters gain 200 attack and defense points while the Machine and Pyro type lose 200 attack and defense points." Everyone was starting at him as he was explaining what a field spell card was. All the girls had hearts in their eyes and Alexis saw this and thought 'back off girls this is my Jaden not you guys. Man his voice is so cool and seducing! Wait bad mind bad.' Alexis realized what she was thinking and blushed at the thought of being the new king of Obelisk blue's girlfriend.

Jaden continued to speak "however, there are field spells that don't affect the type but rather the attribute. One on particular is Gaia Power. This field spell affects Earth attribute monsters, it raises the Earth attribute monster's attack power by 500 but it lowers the monster that has an Earth attribute defense by 400 meaning that it has both an offensive advantage but a defensive disadvantage. There are also field spells that deal with summons and battle. But I think I will explain that another day." Many of the girls were disappointed that Jaden had to stop but then Alexis was happy that the old Jaden that she knew and loved was still in there under a blanket of darkness.

The next couple of days went by and Jaden hadn't talked to Alexis about their date or had set one. Alexis couldn't take it she walked up to Jaden and said "Jaden will you go on a date with me tonight?" Jaden was surprised that Alexis asked when it should have been him that should be asking her out. But he didn't complain, he was just happy that he didn't have to ask her out. Alexis also asked "Jaden I would like you to wear something other than your armor if that is ok with you?" Jaden agreed because this would be his first date and wants to make it special for the girl that he knew in his past. Chazz overheard this and had a plan to duel Jaden to impress Alexis so she would date him.

Jaden went through the day and did nothing that would prevent him from going on his date. Jaden went to the girls dorm and waited for Alexis to come out. Jaden was wearing similar clothes to that of dark Zane was. He was also wearing sunglasses to cover his eyes. Jaden saw Alexis come out of the girls dorm and was stunned by how gorgeous she looked. Alexis looked at Jaden and saw him and she thought that he looked good in the outfit and she ran up to him. Jaden said "took you long enough I have been waiting for you for a while." Alexis thought 'Jaden is so commanding and so cool wait what am I thinking falling for a guy that is even colder then Zane." Jaden said "are we going to stand here or are we going to start our, our, our." Alexis said "our date I am ready when you are."

Jaden and Alexis made their way to the Card Shack and got some food and were going to have a picnic at the Slifer Cliff. Then out of nowhere Chazz appeared and said "hey slacker you don't have any right to date a gorgeous girl like Alexis. So I will duel you for the right to date her." Jaden was angry at the fact that he thought they were dating but he was also angry that Chazz thought he could win a girls heart in a duel. Jaden said "I agree to your challenge so lets duel."

Alexis stood and watched and hoped that the boy that was her friend and hoping her future lover would win this duel. Jaden said I will go first and play Dark Fusion to fuse Elemental Hero Sparkman and Clayman to summon Evil Hero Lightning Golem in attack mode (2400atk). Now I play Dark Calling to remove my Sparkman and Clayman from play. Now I can summon another Evil Hero Lightning Golem in attack mode and now I summon Evil Hero Infernal Gainer in attack mode (1600atk and throw down a face down and end my turn." Chazz said "my turn I play Armed Dragon LV 3 and use the spell card Level Up to level up my Armed Dragon to turn him into Armed Dragon LV 5 in attack mode (2400atk). Now attack Infernal Gainer.

Gainer was destroyed and Jaden lost 800 life points and Alexis was neverous for her lover that he wouldn't win. Chazz ended his turn with a face down. Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I will now end this duel I play Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy your face down. Now I activate my Golem's ability to destroy one monster on the field and I choose your Armed Dragon LV 5. Now Golems attack him directly.

  The duel was over and Chazz ran off to his dorm and then Alexis smiled at the fact that he had won the duel that allowed her to date Jaden. They went on their date and Jaden talked about his life after his parents died. He was adopted by Seto Kaiba and was trained by him to be ruthless to anyone that would appose him. Alexis surprised that Jaden was trained by the great Seto Kabia and she listened to the stories that he was told by Kabia. Then they ate the food and then they were about to leave when Jaden took off his sunglasses and looked Alexis in the eyes and his eyes then changed from hard gold to chocolate brown. Alexis smiled but then his eyes turned back to hard gold but then she did something that Jaden was not expecting. She kissed him on the lips and then she relized what she had done and smiled as she took her lips off of Jaden's. Alexis said "Jaden I know that this is crazy but I think that I am very much in love with you." Jaden was surprised that she had said this but he knew that she had meant it so he said "Alexis I feel different when I am with you so this is crazy but do you want to go on another  date with me?" Alexis smiled and said "yes next time I will tell you about my life on our next date ok." With that Jaden and Alexis went their separate ways and Jaden was talking with Yubel but she was not happy because he was spending more time with Alexis then her.

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