Ch 2 The King vs The Queen

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Jaden and the rest of the people that had passed the exam. Jaden got out of the plane and Jasmine and Mindy were looking at him with lust in their eyes. Jasmine and Mindy grabbed each of his arms. Jasmine said "Jaden we both are single girls and would love to be your girlfriend." Jaden was getting pissed off and Jaden said "I have my sights set on another girl so please leave me alone before I get really mad."

Jasmine and Mindy then backed away from Jaden because of what he said and he was emitting dark energy from his body. Alexis saw this and said to herself 'what is with this guy he seems to be nice at one point but next he acts colder than Zane.' Alexis then walked up to Jaden and said "Jaden, we need to go to the school to listen to principal Shepard give a speech." Jaden turned to her and said "so what, I could care less about that man speaking so I will see you later." With that Jaden left and he didn't attend the speech in which was he was talked about.

Jaden got unpacked and before he went to the Obelisk blue dinner he needed to find someone to duel. He turned the corner into the Obelisk Blue arena and he bumped into someone and they fell on him. It so happened to be Alexis and she got up and put out a hand to help him up. Jaden said "I am not crippled I can help myself. What I need is to find someone to duel before the dinner for the Obelisks." Alexis was shocked that what Jaden said but then she thought 'maybe I can challenge him and see if he is as good as he looked at the entrance exam.'

Alexis said "well, excuse me, if you are looking for a duel then why not challenge me." Jaden listened and said "why should I waist my time and energy on someone like you. I bet all of your monsters are guys who think you are cute or hot." Alexis said "so you think because I am a girl you think that I'm weak." Normally someone that angered a girl like Alexis people back off but not Jaden. Jaden said "yes." Alexis' face turned red and said "that's it I challenge you to a duel Jaden." Jaden was surprised but then began to laugh and shook his head. Alexis said "oh, I see. Your afraid of getting your butt handed to you by a girl." Jaden stopped laughing and the room became ice cold. Jaden said "I am not afraid, I am just worried about your reaction when I win."

That was the last straw and Alexis said "you, me in the duel arena now. I will prove to you that girls can duel." With that Jaden and Alexis made their way to the arena and nobody was around. Jaden said "get your game on." Alexis said "lets duel." Jaden said "you can go first seeing as how you are at a big disadvantage." Alexis said "thanks I guess. My turn, I draw, I summon Etotie Cyber in attack mode (1200atk) and place one face down and end my turn." Jaden said "my turn, I draw, I play Sparkman in attack mode (1600atk)and attack your Etotie Cyber." Alexis said "reveal trap Doble Passe now your attack is a direct on and my Etotie Cyber can attack you directly as well and she gains 500 attack when she attacks you directly." Alexis lost 1600 life points while Jaden lost 1700 life points.

An explosion happened and when the dust settled Alexis saw something on the ground near Jaden. She didn't know what it was but it didn't take long for her to get her answer. It was his helmet that had been knocked off. Alexis thought 'his helmet now I can see the man behind the mask.' Alexis looked at Jaden and saw a face that that looked at him she saw brown color hair and carmel spot on the top of his head. Alexis' mind then remembered a boy that looked just like him but the eyes were different. His eyes were golden when the boy she knew had chocolate brown. She thought maybe he was still the same boy but only one way to find out was to ask him.

Jaden ended his turn but Alexis was so in love with his eyes that she wasn't paying attention to the duel at hand. Alexis got out of her trans and said "my, turn, I draw, I play Polymerization to fuse Etotie Cyber and  Blade Skater to summon Cyber Blader in attack mode (2100atk). Now Cyber Blader attack Sparkman." With that Jaden took damage but not as bad but he lost 500 life points and she ended her turn. Jaden said "my turn, I draw, I play the spell known as Dark Fusion to fuse Elemental Heroes Avian and Burstinatrix to summon Evil Hero Inferno Wing in attack mode (2100atk). Now I play the spell Dark Calling to fuse Elemental Heroes Clayman and Sparkman to summon Evil Hero Lightning Golem in attack mode (2400atk)." Alexis said now that you have two monsters on the field my monsters attack gets doubled."

Jaden smiled and said "I activate my Golem's ability to destroy one monster on the field and I chose your Cyber Blader. Now Golem attack her directly and bring me victory." With that the duel was over and Jaden had won. Jaden grabbed his helmet and placed it on his head and lifted his face plate up. Jaden said "you look familiar to me have we ever met?" Alexis was startaled by this but said "I met a boy at a party one time and he looked just like you only with chocolate brown eyes. That boy made me feel special inside and I asked him the next time we saw each other he would give me a kiss. Jaden walked up to Alexis and kissed her. She was surprised at first but then she deepened the kiss and they then pulled apart. Alexis said "so you are the boy that I met at that party." Jaden said "yes I am but right now is not the time to talk so I will see you at school. Alexis watched as the boy that made her feel alive left and she thought 'I wonder what happened to him that made him so dastardly. She left the arena and went to the Obelisk party but she only had one thing on her mind and that was the mystery of Jaden and how he got those eyes.

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