Ch 11 School Duel

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Jaden and Alexis got up the day of the school duel and were ready for the next test that Jaden had to face in order to be the next king of games. Jaden and Alexis spooned for a while before they decided to cuddle for the rest of the morning. Jaden then got up much to Alexis' dismay she got up and got ready for the day. Jaden then said to Alexis "Alexis I know that you love me and I love you but do you have any regrets. I mean I did knock you up and everything but did you want this to happen?" Alexis looked at Jaden and said "to be honest I didn't have much feeling for you at first but then when I learned who you were and I loved you ever since."

Alexis rubbed her belly and said "I couldn't ask for a better gift than to bare your children for I love you with all my heart." Jaden smiled and walked over to her and said "if I could go back in time and be the same me that I was I would but things have changed and I can't go back to being the same me but I can improve myself to be one that you love." Alexis was shell shocked but then kissed him for the past was in the past and the future looks bright.

Jaden, Alexis, Syrus, Syrus' friend Chumley, Bastion from the duel before, and the rest of the school went down to the docks to wait the arrival of North Academy students and Chancellor. They waited and they saw no ship in sight then something popped out of the water. Then a submarine then appeared out of nowhere and now everyone realized how the North Academy was getting to the Academy.  The sub got to the docks and the Chancellor of North Academy got out of the sub and was greeted by Sheppard.

Jaden watched as the two of the Chancellors exchanged looks at one another. Then the students of North Academy chanted "Chazz it up, Chazz it up, Chazz it up." Jaden was sick and tired of hearing the chant and he yelled "will you all shut the fuck up I have heard enough of this now lets get this show on the road." The chanting stopped and all of the students looked at Jaden. At first they thought that he was the school mascot but then they got a good look at him and his eyes were the scariest of all. All the boy were terrified at the look Jaden was giving them.

Chazz walked off the boat and said "well if it Obelisk king. I have returned to take back da from you and to prove that I am better than you. I also want to prove to Alexis that she made the wrong choice now where is she." Alexis walked forward and had a look of utter disgust. Chazz was looking Alexis in the eyes but then they carried down to her beasts and Jaden was getting angry that he was most likely undressing her in his eyes.

Chazz then traveled further down but he stopped at the belly.  her belly was swelling and at first Chazz thought that it was a joke but he knew better. Chazz said "Alexis you are pregnant!!!" Alexis said "yea is it that obvious." Chazz was angry that someone else had gotten to Alexis first before he could have his way with her. Then Jaden stepped up and kiss Alexis right in front of everyone. Chazz's anger got the best of him and said "so your the one who knocked her up. I will not forgive you for taking away my prize."

Jaden looked at Chazz then a helicopter was flying over head. Then Chazz's brothers Slade and Jagger came out of the helicopter. Slade said "how you doing little bro I hope that you haven't forgot our plan to take over the world." Jagger said "we will be broadcasting this duel live from around the world so everyone can see the Princeton's rule. Jaden and the rest of the gang made their way to the duel arena were Jaden and Chazz would duel it out for the school duel. Before they started Alexis ran over to Jaden and gave him a kiss." This enraged Chazz and he would try to humiliate Jaden.

Jaden and Chazz said "duel." Jaden said "you go first." Chazz said "fine I draw. I play Armed Dragon LV 3 in attack mode (1200atk). Now I play the spell card LV Up to level up my dragon to LV 5 in attack mode (2400atk) and I end my turn." Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I special summon my Infernal Prodigy in attack mode (300atk). Now I play the spell card Evil Multiply (not a real card)to have 4 tokens of Infernal Prodigy. Now I sacrifice my original Prodigy and two tokens to summon forth The Wicked Avatar in attack mode(0atk)."

Everyone was in shock to see that Jaden had a wicked god. Jaden said "thanks to my Prodigy being sent to the grave on the turn it was summoned I can draw one card. Now for Avatar attack is 100 points higher than the strongest monster in play. Now Avatar attack his armed dragon." Armed dragon was destroyed and Chazz lost 100 life points and Jaden ended his turn. Chazz said "my turn, I draw. I play Monster Reborn to bring back my Armed Dragon LV 5 in defense mode and I will place a monster face down in defense mode and end my turn."

Jaden said "my turn, I draw. "I play double summon to summon twice this turn I summon Evil Hero Infernal Gainer and now I sacrifice both my Prodigy tokens and Gainer to summon the second strongest anti god I have. Come forth The Wicked Dreadroot in attack mode (4000atk). Now my monster halves all monster attack on the field. But seeing that Avatar is to be stronger than the strongest monster on the field Avatar's attack is 4100." Chazz was stunned at the combo that Jaden had just used he can win without losing everything.

Jaden attack both his monsters and he ended his turn Chazz said "my turn, I draw. I play one card face down and end my turn." Chazz knew that if Jaden attacked he would be able to destroy all of his attacking monsters. Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I play Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy your face down. Now Avatar destroy him. With that attack Slade and Jagger cut the feed to the broadcast so that nobody saw that Chazz had lost.

Chazz ended up staying at duel academy but he ended up in that Slifer red dorm with Syrus and Chumley. Jaden and Alexis walked back to their house and Alexis had a surprise for Jaden. Alexis had bought new lingerie that turned Jaden on like a light switch. They made love that night and were hoping that the good times would keep coming but Jaden knew that a storm was coming and that he, Alexis and his un born children are going to be in grave danger.

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