Ch 28 Summer is Over

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Summer was coming to an end and Alexis and Jaden were in the living room watching both Shadow and Emerald play with Blue Eyes White Dragon toys. Jaden then got a call from Kaiba. Kaiba said "Jaden I was reminded that summer is coming to an end and I have the perfect way to end it for both you and your kids." Jaden said "and what would that be father?" Kaiba said "come to Kaiba Land and have fun with me and Mokuba." Jaden said "ok it is the least I can do for you after all you did let us stay in the mansion of Alexis' dreams."

Jaden, Alexis, Shadow, and Emerald took the limo to Kaiba Land. They at first not allowed entry then Kaiba appeared and said to the guard "they are with me and don't even think of saying other wise." The guard didn't argue with him and they went into the park. Kaiba said that he had something big in store for Jaden. Alexis hoped that it wasn't another gift because they now have so many Blue Eyes pillows and it was driving them crazy. They were allowed into the park an hour before everyone else so they rode the best ride first the Blue Eyes coaster.

Then the people that wanted to come came and Jaden and Alexis got a big surprise. Chazz, Mindy, Jasmine and Syrus were in the park and were told to come to the park to see some old friend for the day. Alexis was happy because she had not seen her girl friends at all this summer. The girls them started to hold the babies. Jaden told Chazz and Syrus about the tournament that he participated in. They were stunned that he beat Joey Wheeler even more so when he said that Pegasus would be his sponsor.

They all rode the coasters together while Kaiba and Mokuba watched the kids. After about a 3 or so hours of fun they made their way to the dueling arena where people were dueling. Jaden saw that Kaiba had his deck with him which was strange because he normally wouldn't have it around him. Then an unexpected visitor arrived. It was Yugi himself that was entering the building. The kids saw this and rushed over to him and begged for an autograph. Jaden and Alexis ignored it and Kaiba saw this and acted on it.

Kaiba said to Jaden "how about a duel Jaden to see which one of us is better prepared to duel the king of games." Jaden looked at Kaiba and said "why not put on a show for the king and see what he as in store when I come for his crown." Kaiba laughed and said "you really are my child even if not blood related I still think of you as my son. But I will not be holding back and same for you." Jaden said "I wouldn't have it any other way." The crowd around Yugi shrunk for they all wanted to see Kaiba duel.

Yugi sat next to Alexis and she was smiling. Yugi said "you have two beautiful children. Where is the father?" Alexis pointed at Jaden and she said "he is the best a duel academy and he plans on taking you down once he graduates." Yugi said "well if from what I have heard from Joey he is a very good duelist and I plan on seeing what he can do against the second best duelist in the world." Kaiba said "I heard that Yugi and if I can't take you down then my son can." Yugi said "and who is your son?" Kaiba pointed at Jaden and he was shocked.

Jaden and Kaiba started their duel disks and said "duel." Kaiba said "my turn, I draw. I play Pot of Greed to draw two cards. Now I summon Lord of Dragons in attack mode (1200atk). Next I play Flute of Summoning Dragons to summon out two Blue Eyes White Dragons in attack mode (3000atk). Next I play White Dragon Ritual by giving up my X Head Cannon I can summon Paladin of White Dragon in attack mode (1900atk). Now I give him up to summon the Last Blue Eyes White Dragon in attack mode (3000atk). I end my turn."

Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I special summon Evil Hero Infernal Prodigy in defense mode (600def). Now I play Evil Multiple to give myself 4 tokens of Evil Hero Infernal Prodigy. Now I will get rid of three of them to summon Wicked Avatar in attack mode (?atk). Now my monster is stronger then your Blue Eyes but I will attack your Lord of D. to so you lose some life points. I end my turn with two face downs."

Kaiba said "my turn, I draw. I play Card of Sanctity so we both draw till we both have 6 cards in our hands. Now I play Polymerization to fuse my three Blue Eyes to summon Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon in attack mode (4500atk). But he will not be there for long for I sacrifice him to summon Blue Eyes Shinning Dragon in attack mode (3000atk). Next I use my monsters effect by destroying himself I can destroy your Avatar. Next I play Monster Reborn to bring back my Blue Eyes White Dragon in attack mode (3000atk). Now attack one of his tokens. I end my turn."

Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I sacrifice my last token to summon out Evil Hero Malicious Edge in attack mode (2600atk). Now to end this duel I play Super Polymerization to fuse Malicious Edge and your Blue Eyes White dragon to form Evil Hero White Malicious Dragon in attack mode (3700atk). Now attack him directly with White needle lightning." The duel was over and everyone in the stands were shocked to see Kaiba lose but he was smiling and start to walk over to Jaden. He gave him a hug and said "if anyone can beat Yugi yon son and I will always love you."

Jaden was shocked by this but said "I love you too dad." Yugi congratulated Jaden and said that they would meet again for sure. Kaiba then said to the gang tomorrow you guys go back to duel academy so you all better get some rest for I am sure that something bad may happen but I know that you guys will take care of it for me right?" Everyone nodded and left and they all got into their beds and slept soundly not knowing that destiny had another plan for all of them.

Hi this is the last ch of Dark Jaden Volume 1 and I will be working hard on that series along with my Jaden and his Love series ending. Also I am planning on writing another gx fanfiction but it will take some time for I want to get Jaden and his love done and start the next volume for Dark Jaden.  I hope that you all enjoyed the first volume and I would love to hear what was your favorite moment in this series so far. :)

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