Ch 16 Pharaoh vs King

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The next couple of days went by and Chazz was still bragging about beating a shadow rider. Alexis pointed out that Jaden had already defeated three of the seven shadow riders. This made Chazz shut up as he knew that Jaden was clearly the better duelist. In the end everyone knew that Jaden was the king of duel academy. The day went by fast and Jaden decided to call it a day and went home. Alexis on the other hand went to the docks to talk to Zane. She needed to talk to someone other than Jaden at the moment.

Alexis said "Zane, I am so worried about Atticus, myself, my babies, and Jaden what am I going to do?" Zane said "do what you have to keep your family together. we need to brace this storm and take it head on so that everyone can be together. I mean I missed Atticus too. I mean he was like a brother to me. Now when he gets better everything will be alright." Alexis said "we I wish I had your confidence because I feel that all of the shadow riders are going after Jaden because he is the strongest among us." Zane agreed then a flash of light appeared in the sky and a ship that was used in Egypt appeared in the sky and was coming for Alexis and Zane.

Jaden was resting when Yubel appeared. Yubel said "Jaden another rider is here and he my try to attack your girl and babies." Jaden got up and he knew where is he going as he saw the ship in the sky. He got to the docks as did the rest of the gang and they saw that Alexis and Zane were surrounded by enemies. Jaden said "let them go if you want a spirit key then you have duel me to get it."

The leader walked up and accepted the challenge and they let go of Zane and Alexis and they got on the ship. They both started their duel disks and said "duel." The Pharaoh said "my turn, I draw. I play one card face down and summon Pharaonic Protector in attack mode (900atk). I end my turn." Jaden said "my turn, I draw." The Pharaoh said "I play my face down The First Sarcophagus. I will show you what it does in good time." Jaden said "I summon Evil Hero Infernal Gainer in attack mode (1600atk). Next I attack your monster. I end my turn with a face down."

Then the activation of The First Sarcophagus activated allowing the Pharaoh to place the Second Sarcophagus on the field and activated. The Pharaoh said "my turn, I draw. I play Pot of Greed to draw two cards. Next I play Tribute to the Doomed by discarding one card I can destroy your Gainer. Next I summon Pharaoh's Servant in attack mode (900atk). Now attack the king directly. I play one card face down and end my turn."

Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I play Pot of Greed to draw two cards. next I play Dark Fusion to fuse Burstinatrix and Clayman to form Evil Hero Infernal Sniper in defense mode (2500def). Now for my monsters effect, it can inflict 1000 points of damage for each time it is in defense mode. I play one card face down and end my turn." Then the Third Sarcophagus appeared on the field. Jaden activated his face down Mystical Space Typhoon. The Pharaoh countered with Magic Jammer to negate its effect by discarding one card. The Pharaoh said "my turn, I draw. Now I send my three Sarcophagus' to the grave to summon Spirit of the Pharaoh in attack mode (2500atk). Now that he was special summoned I get to bring back two Pharaoh's Servants (900atk)and two Pharaonic Protectors (900atk)from my grave onto the field in attack mode. I play one card face down and I end my turn."

Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I play Card of Sanctity to allow us both to draw till we have six cards in our hands. Next I play O - Oversoul to bring back my Clayman and now I will sacrifice him to summon out Evil Hero Malicious Edge in attack mode (2600atk). Now my Sniper takes 1000 life points from you. Now attack Pharaoh's Servant and bring me victory." The Pharaoh said "I play my face down Negate Attack to stop your attack." Jaden ended his turn with a face down. The Pharaoh said "my turn, I draw. I play Raigeki to destroy all of your monsters." When the dust settled Sniper was still on the field. Jaden said "due to the effect of my Sniper it can not be destroyed by spell cards."

The Pharaoh said "I will end my turn." Jaden said "my turn, I draw. My Sniper takes another 1000 life points away from you. Now I play the spell Dark Calling to remove my Malicious Edge and Summoned Skull to fusion summon Evil Hero Malicious Fiend in attack mode (3500atk). Now attack the Spirit of the Pharaoh and bring me victory." The duel was over and Jaden had won. Then the Pharaoh looked at Jaden and knew that he was truly the king.

Then the ship went back into the sky then a flash of light and the ship was gone. Jaden went back to his house and being followed by his girl. They got into the house and Jaden rested on the couch and Alexis looked at him. He opened his arms inviting her to lay down with him. She couldn't resist such a tempting offer. They laid there for about five minutes without talking then Alexis broke the silence. She said "thanks Jay for saving me again." Jaden said "it is no big deal I need to protect the ones that I love. I will never let something bad happen to you or our children ok." Alexis gave Jaden the biggest smile that he had ever seen her give him.

They then got up and went to bed but before going to bed Jaden rubbed Alexis' belly. She smiled at this for she knew that she and her unborn babies were safe from harm as long as Jaden was with them. Both Jaden and Alexis spooning when Jaden saw Yubel appear. He said in a whisper not to wake Alexis "what is it Yubel?" Yubel said "I have watched over you since you were a little boy and now that I see you almost grown up it makes me sad." Jaden said "just because I am growing up doesn't mean that I will not use you. You are the one that helped me gain these powers. Also if it wasn't for you telling me to come to this place I would have never met my girl of my dreams. Not to mention that now I have children on the way now. I love you Yubel I don't know what I would do if you were not in my life along with Alexis, Emerald, and Shadow." Yubel smiled at this and then went back to her card and Jaden smiled and he wouldn't dream of a better life without his friends and loved ones.

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