Ch 24 Giving Birth

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Alexis was scooped up into Jaden's arms and he ran to the nurses office. The nurse now had a full staff for this because Kaiba said to have it when Alexis going to give birth. Jaden and Alexis were together as they made it to the nurse. Then Miss Fontaine asked "what seems to be the problem?" Jaden said "Alexis is going into labor." Miss Fontaine said "ok bring her in here. But the rest of you have to wait out here till the children are born." So Jaden brought Alexis into the next room were they were ready to get the children out of Alexis.

Yubel then appeared and said to Jaden "be calm Jaden, be calm they know what they are doing and I will not let you babies be harmed." Jaden said "thanks Yubel." Jaden placed Alexis on the bed that was ready for Alexis to give birth. The doctor said to Jaden "are you the father." Jaden said "yes." The doctor requested that he stay out of their way so they could do their job. Jaden complied with what he said and did as he was told. He held Alexis' hand the whole time that they were telling her what to do.

Alexis then screamed in pain as the contractions got closer together. The doctor then said to Alexis "I am going to need you to push with all of your might Alexis so that we can get both babies out safe and sound." Alexis nodded and gripped Jaden's hand so hard that he was asking her to loosen her grip. She didn't listen to Jaden. Then the doctor ordered her to push and she did. She pushed with all of her might and then the doctor was able to get the first of the two babies out.

The doctor said "it is a boy." Alexis was able to see her first born but not able to hold him just yet as she still needed to give birth to her daughter. Then Alexis pushed and pushed with all the strength she had and then a second screaming child was heard in the room. This time it was a girl. The doctor said "congratulations you have given birth to two beautiful babies and one looks like the you as I might add and the other looks like the father." The doctor then handed over the two children to Alexis and she had the most gleaming smile that any mother could have.

Jaden then looked down at the two children and one looked at him and reached out for him and he took his daughter in his hands and then she reached up to his face and kissed his nose. Then the rest of the gang was invited into the room. Mindy and Jasmine had also came to see the babies and they had hearts in their eyes as they saw the two little babies. The doctor asked Alexis and Jaden what would be the names of the two new born. Alexis said "the boy will be called Shadow and the girl will be called Emerald."

Doctor didn't argue with her about the names and left to get the paper work for the names done. Then Jaden put Emerald back were she belonged in her mothers arms. Mindy and Jasmine cried out "I want a baby too." Everyone laughed at this and then Alexis and Jaden made eye contact and then they wanted to do something for the group. Alexis said "ok next step is the godparents. I have decided that Mindy will be Shadows godmother and Emerald will be Jasmines if you two would like to be apart of their lives."

The girls squealed in delight. Jaden said "as for the godfathers Syrus would you do me the honor of being Emeralds godfather?" Syrus was stunned by this offer and then he accepted it. Jaden then said "Chazz I know that we are not the best of friends and I know that you love Alexis and so do I but could you let your heart open for another?" Chazz said "what do you mean?" Jaden said "I want you to be Shadows godfather." Chazz was stunned even more when he was given permission to hold Shadow in his arms.

Chazz didn't have the words to say but by the look in his eyes Jaden knew that he had accepted the offer. Now Chazz loved his godson more than he did Alexis because he wanted him to be as strong as him and Jaden. Sheppard then said "this has been an entertaining day and all but I think it is high time I leave the rest of you to be so that I don't intrude on this wonder of a day." Sheppard left and then Crowler said "I have essays to grade." But everyone could see that he was smiling for the first time ever.

As the group began to dissipate it was only Alexis and Jaden left. Jaden said "I am going to go home for now and let you get some rest." Alexis smiled and said "you don't want to stay here with your two new born kids." Jaden said "well when you say it like that then it makes me look like the bad guy. But I wanted to let both you and the kid get some rest you both had really tough day today." Alexis said "speak for yourself, you dueled the Sacred Beast today."

Jaden was about to leave when he looked at his two new kids and smiled at this. He knew that being a father would be the most difficult task ever but in his mind he knew that he would make a great father. The next couple of days everyone in the school came to visit Alexis. So many girls were going gaga for the kids. The boys were jealous of Jaden for taking the queen of Obelisk Blue off the market but when they saw the kids they knew that they were destined together. After about ten days of being in the care of the doctors Alexis, Emerald, and Shadow were allowed to got home together. For the first time in forever Jaden had something more than just wanting to be the king of games he wanted to be the greatest dad to his kids.

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