Ch 8 The Supreme King vs DA's King

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Jaden was waking up after the duel he had yesterday and he was smiling at the fact that he was defending his children from harm. He still felt that he was not ready to be a parent but that was nonsense because in his heart he felt that he could become a great father. He wants them to grow up with a mother and a father because he didn't want them to go down the same path that he went. He understood that the only way to keep his children from being harmed is to shield them with his own energy and he wanted nothing more than to keep them safe.

Meanwhile Alexis was meting with Zane to talk about the recent events that had transpired. Zane said to Alexis "well what is it that you needed me to talk about." Zane noticed that Alexis' belly had began to swell and he thought that maybe she had put on a couple of pounds but if he pointed it out he would get beaten down in a flash because a woman's rage is stronger than almost anything. Alexis said "well I did something but I am happy and at peace with it because I thing this will be  a good learning experience for me." Zane said "what did you do?" Alexis said "I had sex with someone and he got me pregnant."

Zane was shocked at what he heard and was not in a good mood because one of his best friends did something that normally she would never do. Zane said "so who is the father?" Alexis said "Zane please don't be mad I made this choice and I will never regret it because I love him." Zane said "I want a name Alexis I want to see if your childes father can hold his own in a duel against me." Alexis said "I am having twins from the ultrasound and here is a picture." Zane was given a picture and looked at it.

Zane then remembered when he was little and was told that he was going to have a baby brother he then smiled at the picture but he still wanted to duel the guy that knocked up Alexis. Alexis told him that it was the freshman king of Obelisk Blue Jaden Yuki. Zane then send a message to the king telling him to meet him at the light house and bring his deck because they where going to duel. Jaden got the message and took his time getting ready for a big match.

Zane and Alexis were waiting and the man they were waiting for showed himself from out of the dark. Jaden said "what is this all about, Zane, Alexis?  Alexis said "Zane wants to see if you are strong enough to take him on in a duel because I think that he doesn't approve of us having children together." Jaden said "fine then when I win I will prove to both Zane and myself that I am the king of this school.

Zane and Jaden said "duel." Zane said "the first move is yours." Jaden said "thank you, I draw, I play the spell card known as Dark Fusion  to fuse Elemental Heroes Clayman and Burstinatrix to form my Evil Hero Infernal Sniper in defense mode (2500def). Next I use Sniper's ability to deal 1000 points of damage every turn that it is in defense mode. Ready, aim, fire. Next I play one card face down and end my turn." Zane said "my turn, I draw. I play Polymerization to fuse my three Cyber Dragons to form my mighty Cyber End Dragon. Now attack his Sniper with super strident blaze."

Zane smiled and watched as sniper was destroyed and Jaden lost 1500 life points because Cyber End Dragon had piercing damage. Zane end his turn. Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I Dark Fusion to fuse Valkyrion the Magna Warrior and The Wicked Dreadroot to summon Evil Hero Dark Gaia in attack mode. Dark Gaia attack is equal to that of my Valkyrion and Dreadroot attack combined. So now my monster had 7500 attack points. Evil Gaia destroy his Cyber End Dragon with dark catastrophe." With that the duel was over.

Zane was in shock how strong his monster had become. Zane walked over to Jaden and Alexis walked over to them both. Zane said "you have good skills Jaden and I hope to duel you again to avenge this lose and you have my blessing." Jaden said "thanks what I want is the girl that I knew to stay at my side till the time for us to part." Zane could feel that both Alexis and Jaden wanted to talk alone so he took his leave and wished nothing but happiness for the both of them.

Jaden and Alexis were alone now. Jaden said "I know that what you are going through is going to tough but I wanted to let you know that I am behind you one hundred percent. " Alexis smiled and said "Jaden I know that this is moving rather fast for you and I wouldn't blame you if you didn't want to be apart of the kids life if you'd want." Jaden then kissed Alexis and said "I would rather die then abandon my kids I  love then almost as must as I love you." Alexis' heart began to beat rapidly for she had heard the words that she had been longing for.

Alexis said "I love you too I wanted you to be apart of the kids life so that they never have to grow up without a father." Jaden said "do you know how far along you are?" Alexis said "about one month into it so we have to wait about three more months till we can find out what the sex is of the children." Jaden was disappointed about that he has to wait till the next few months till he knows what sex the children are. Alexis was about to leave when Jaden grabbed her hand and said "so does this mean we are boy friend and girlfriend?" Alexis smiled and said "yes, we are indeed boyfriend and girlfriend and I wouldn't trade this wonderful gift that you gave me Jaden for all the rare cards in the world."

Jaden was walking back to his dorm when Yubel appeared. Jaden said "were have you been I have been worried sick about you." Yubel said "I was hoping that this wouldn't happen but Jaden you are becoming different. Why Jaden I wanted you to be the best duelist in the world but now you seen to be more focused on being the best dad in the world." Jaden said "I want both but one step at a time Yubel and please stop making this a bad thing I finally have more meaning in my life then just dueling Yubel. I want to be there for my kids I want then to grow up having a father and have the childhood I never got to have ok." Yubel said "I understand that but Jaden don't forget your true goal is to become the next king of games and I will do anything to keep you on this path but taking a detour is ok. Just remember Jaden that not only does Alexis have faith in you but so do I.

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