Ch 18 Duel Monster Spirit Day

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Banner had been missing ever since Atticus got his memories back and they looked for him. After a couple of days Alexis and Atticus had gotten to back to being brother and sister. Of course Atticus was shocked that Alexis was pregnant. He asked where it was a boy or a girl. Alexis told him that it was twins and she was going to have one of each. Atticus was in the best mood since because he learned that he was going to be an uncle soon. Alexis was happy to see that Atticus was back to his old self and she would love him no mater what happened. Jaden felt the same way about Alexis and she felt the same for her.

Then the big day arrived, Duel Monster Spirit Day. When the time came both Alexis and Jaden got into their costumes. Jaden was dressed as Evil Hero Malicious Edge. Alexis was dressed as Yubel. Yubel then appeared and looked at Alexis. She blushed at the fact that Alexis was dressed up as her because the outfit could show off her baby belly. Jaden and Alexis walked over to the red dorm to see if the duel was going to be set up. In the distance they saw Chumley dressed up as a Des Koala.

Then they heard Chazz coming in his XYZ Dragon Cannon costume. Bastion was dressed as the Amazoness Tiger. Zane didn't dress up as anything because he felt that wearing a Cyber Dragon costume would look really weird in him mind. Then the crowds began to mass together as many were hoping to see a girl in the Dark Magicians outfit. But they could not find a single girl that was willing to do such a thing. Even Alexis said no because she would look weird next to Jaden as they both wouldn't match each other. Then out of nowhere a girl appeared and asked if she could participate in the duel.  

Most of the guys were immersed by her looks that nobody responded to her question. Then Syrus got out of his trans and agreed to have her apart of the duel. Jaden then volunteered to be her opponent. Syrus was hoping that he could duel her but he knew that Jaden would be a good match for the Dark Magician Girl. Alexis gave Jaden a good luck kiss and Jaden and the DMG started their duel disks and said "game on."

DMG said "my turn, I draw. I set one monster and I end my turn." Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I summon Evil Hero Infernal Gainer in attack mode (1600atk). Now I attack your face down monster." DMG said "my face down monsters flip effect activates. Which now I have to choose two cards at random and remove them from play. Next my monster inflicts 800 points of damage." Jaden said "I end my turn with a face down." DMG said "my turn, I draw. I summon Magician's Valkyria in attack mode (1600atk). Next I play the spell card Dimension Fusion by giving up 2000 life points I can summon back the monsters I removed from play."

Jaden was now worried about this because he had a feeling that he may lose this duel. DMG said "I summon another Magician's Valkyria in attack mode and Dark Magician Girl in attack mode (2000atk). Now I attack your gainer. Now both my Valkyria attack him directly. I end my turn." Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I special summon Evil Hero Infernal Prodigy in attack mode (300atk). Now I will sacrifice him to summon out Evil Hero Malicious Edge in attack mode (2600atk). Now due to the effect of my Prodigy being sent to the grave I can draw one card. Now I play Dark Fusion to fuse Sparkman and Clayman to summon out Evil Hero Lightning Golem in attack mode (2400atk)."

DMG looked at the two Evil Heroes and was worried about it but she knew that she would last at least another turn. Jaden said "I use Lightning Golem's effect to destroy one of your Valkyria. Now Malicious Edge attack the Dark Magician Girl." Many people watching were screaming no. Jaden then used Lightning Golem to destroy the other Valkyria. Jaden ended his turn.

DMG said "my turn, I draw. I play the spell card Monster Reborn to bring back the Dark Magician Girl in attack mode. Next I play Magic Formula to have her gain 700 attack points. Now attack Lightning Golem.: Jaden said "I play my face down Mirror Force to destroy your monster." DMG ended her turn. Jaden then drew his card and said "Malicious Edge attack with needle burst." The duel was over and Jaden had won and he walked up to the DMG and had a hand shake and then she disappeared.

Then they had a bond fire and Jaden and Alexis was relaxing in each others arms and they loved each other. Jaden and Alexis were kissing when Syrus smiled and he was in the best of moods since that happened. Both Alexis and Jaden left to go home. They got into bed and Alexis said "Jaden I want to ask you a question?" Jaden said "what is it?" Alexis said "I know you want to be a pro when we graduate from this school but what if we decided to go to a duel college and study there and become professors and teach dueling."

Jaden looked at her and said "if you want to do that then that is fine but I have to become a pro and become the next king of games for that is what I have been trained for. I know it maybe hard but what if you stayed with the kids and I dueled and made a lot of money in the tournaments." Alexis said "I don't want to be a house wife so what we could do is both become pros and that will give us a better chance to win a lot of money for both of us and the kids." Jaden said "we should sleep on it for now we need to find banner and maybe prepare for the next shadow rider."

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