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      Alex and Holden haven't been my main priority lately...I miss my family, not this girl. Sally is not all there... She needs help and I am not the one to help her.. 

I need to see my child, it is about time.. Scarlett wasn't even my main priority but now I know, this needs to stop. I'm sorry Sally, it's over.

     Where are they? I need to try my best to get them back. I miss them! Ugh! I WANT MY FAMILY BACK!

"Where do you think you're going?" Sally says behind me, she just appeared there. 

"I'm getting out of this horrible place!" I say pushing her out of my way.

"You aren't leaving me! NEVER!" She says leaping at me.

"Get off!" I say throwing her at the nearby wall.

"You are gonna regret that!" She says pulling out a knife with a switchblade.

"No!" I say throwing the knife at the other corner of the room and taking her down to the ground.

"Damn you John! YOU TOLD ME THAT WE WOULD BE TOGETHER FOREVER!" She says crawling to me.

"Get away, you are leaving now.." I say dragging her to the door.

"Stop! I love you! NO!" She says picking herself up.

"Get out!" I say while opening the door.

"You will not do this!" She said to me coming at me.

"I already have." I say while picking her up and throwing her out.

"You will pay!" She said with a tear falling and a shut of the door behind it. 

"Yeah whatever." I say walking back to my bed..

I miss my family. This is all I have left and I am not going to ruin this anymore. They are my main priority, no matter what....

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