Chapter 5

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As the ladies go downstairs, they could smell the tasty aroma from Shadow's cooking. Shannon's mouth was drooling without her knowing and Amy's stomach was growling which made them blush in embarrassment. They went in the kitchen to see Shadow cooking biscuits, meatloaf, and spaghetti. Shadow noticed that he wasn't alone in the kitchen so he turned around to see Amy and Shannon and smiles at them.

Shadow: Hello you two, how's the tour

Amy:It was really nice, it's a very beautiful house.

Shannon: Is dinner ready yet daddy?

Shadow:Yep, you guys came just on time. Just wait at the dining room table while I put the food there


Amy: I'll help you out Shadow

Shadow: Alright thanks Amy

The future couple, and it is called a Shadamy story after all it is totally obvious, set the dinner on the table while Shannon is waiting anxiously till she can finally eat the awesome food. Shadow picked up Shannon and puts her in the toddler chair and puts her food on the plate and gives it to her. Shannon starts eating her food like a pig which made Shadow quite annoyed and Amy quite surprised.

Shadow: Shannon, don't eat like that in front of guests!

Shannon has a sad look from Shadow's sudden yelling

Shannon: Sorry daddy, it's just that I love food especially your cooking.

Shadow:Yes I know but please try to at least show some manners and eat like a good girl

Shannon: Alright daddy. Sorry about that Amy

Amy:It's fine Shannon, you were just showing how good the food is.

Amy eat a piece of the biscuit and she smiled while placing her left hand on her cheek.

Amy: And your daughter's right Shadow, your biscuits are amazing. The best biscuits I ever

Shadow:Thanks Amy

Shannon: See I told you, please eat the food is gonna get cold for you.

Shadow:Yrsh, you're right sweetheart

Everyone started to eat thier dinner, more mannerly this time.

Shannon:Hey daddy, when are we going back to train?

Shadow:I guess after Amy gets home

Amy:Training? Training for what?

Shadow:To fly, only I am training her for that.

Amy: Don't you think it's better for a bat to train her

Shadow:Yeah and I've looked everywhere for the perfect one to train her yet. Plus, I'm not doing a very good job at being a flying teacher

Shannon: Please don't give up daddy, I believe that you can do it and we'll keep trying

Amy: Can I help you guys with that?

Shadow and Shannon looked at Amy with shocked faces.


Shadow:Are you sure about this

Amy:Yes I am. I don't want Shannon to get danger like that again, and I want to keep her safe. So please can I I?

Shannon's eyes got bigger with excitement with a giant smile on her face.

Shannon: Yeah daddy please? I always wanted to hang out with another girl and our bond with us and Amy can be stronger

Shadow thinked for a moment closing his eyes while Shannon and Amy waited for his response. Shadow opened them with a smile on his face.

Shadow:Alright, you'll help me train my daughter to fly

Amy:Thank you so much Shadow

Shannon:YAY! Daddy you're the best! Can we start after we finished eating

Shadow: Sure we can. But don't rush unless you want a stomach ache

Shannon: Okay, I'll do my best. Even though I can not wait.

So, the two hedgehogs and bat continue with thier dinner

Hey everyone!!! Thanks so much for reading this chapter!!! This week hasn't been great since I have a stupid D on that dumb Geometry test even though I studied for it really hard. The teacher is making me fail on purpose...I hope your week was better than mine and thar next week would be better


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