Chapter 14

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End of flashback and back with Shannon, Shadow, and Amy

After telling the story of how she and Sonic first met, Amy started to have tears streaming from her eyes which made the hedgehogs have a sad look.

Amy:Ever since then...he was my whole world and I fallen madly in love with him and thought he was my true love...but I took my feelings way too far by always crushing him while hugging and also chasing him everytime he disagrees to go on dates with me...but today...he said that he had enough of my craziness, that I was embarrassing him, and to stay away from him. And every word he said was true...I'm an embarrassment to everyone and I deserve to be hated by him and don't need to be loved by anyone...I'm a disgraceful nuisance.

Amy fall on her knees and began to cry uncontrollably with her hands on her eyes. Shannon starts to have tears coming out of her eyes and hugs Amy in a comforting way who hugged her back. Shadow joined in the hug too by hugging both the girls. Amy hugged Shadow as well sobbing into his neck.

Shannon:That is not true, you are a kind girl

Shadow:Yeah, what Sonic said is all wrong. You've done great things that a disgraceful nuisance couldn't do. You saved my daughter from falling off a tree, you also even agreed to help me train her to fly so you can keep her safe

Shannon:You protect me from bad guy in train Amy

Shadow:Yeah, you're a wonderful beautiful women and a good friend that anyone can ask for. So it's Sonic's lost for not having you as a girlfriend

Shannon: Don't think about bad things, just be happy.

Shadow:And at least you got us to always cheer up.

Shannon: And of he be mean to you my daddy will bear him up and I will growl at him till he run away.

Amy wiped away her tears amd gave out a faint smile on her face touched by the friendly words the hedgehogs said to her.

Amy:You guys are a truly wonderful family and I'm glad that I met you two. I feel a lot better now, thank you very for cheering me up it means a lot.

Shannon:You're welcome very much

Shadow:No problem Ames


Shadow blushed a crimson red, not meaning to call her that amd felt embarrassed. He nervously scratched his head while looking at the ground.

Shadow:W-well since we're good friends now, I just thought that...I can make a nickname to call you...I won't call you that again if you want

Amy:You don't need to Shadow, I like the nickname a lot is cute. And I can call you Shads


Shadow:Yeah that's a good nickname for me

Shannon:Hey what about me?

Amy:Well of course I can't forget you, I'll call you...Shanny

Shannon:Yay I love it! Shanny, Shanny!!!

Amy and Shadow laughed at the joy of Shannon having her new nickname

Hey everyone!!! Thanks for reading this chapter! And the next chapter would probably be the time when Shannon will totally finally train to fly!!! So be patient for that!


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