Chapter 2

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At a local park

After she ran from Sonic after he yelled at her, Amy sat on a bench with her hands covering her eyes as tears were coming out of it as she sobs uncontrollably. No one I'm the park didn't care of what she's crying about and we're just ignoring her crying. Her mind kept replaying all the mean things Sonic said to her.

"He's right...he's right about every word that he yelled at me. I'm nothing but an embarrassment and obnoxious moron. I only been a burden to him throughout his life, always wanted him to save me in my time of need. I have gotten way too far with my love towards Sonic. I wish I could just remind time and fix all the mistakes I made that led to Sonic hating me. There's no way he wants to be my friend and it's nest that I finally give up making Sonic my boyfriend."

Oh my gosh readers, are our eyes deceiving our eyes? Her role of being a crazy fangirl to Sonic has end...not in the actual series unfortunately which it should happen by now

"I've been a nuisance and an annoyance to everyone. Maybe I should make it up to him by going out to eat...NOT a date but a hang out."

As Amy talk her thoughts in her mind, she sees a toddler white bat with blonde curls two in low pig tails one on the top of her head. She's wearing an orange dress with long sleeves and have sapphire eyes. She has a smae color muzzle and orange wings. Bet she looks familiar to you readers from the prolouge. She's climbing up a tree attempting to get a red ripe apple. Amy showed a little corcern for the child

"Is this girl insane?! She could fall off and get hurt! She looks to young to be in the park by herself, where are her parents?! But she possibly knows how to fly...right? So I have nothing to worry about. Right?!"

Then suddenly the bat loses her balance and about to fall but hangs on a tree branch. She screams in fear and grips the branch for tree life.


Amy:"Oh my goodness, don't worry I'll save you!"

The poor bat was starting to lose her grip on the branch while Amy ran as fast as she could to the tree. The bat let go of the branch and she screams as she starts to fall but Amy caught her just in time. The toddler closed her eyes shut anf was shaking in fear whimpering and she slowly opened her eyes to see Amy with a worried look.

Amy: Hey are you okay? Did you injure anything?

"S-sorry...I'm not allowed to talk to strangers"

Amy:That's ok I completely understand.


She reaches her arms to Shadow, who you should know in the prolouge. Amy let's go of the bat who ran towards Shadow. Shadow picked her up and hugged her and they hug each other. The girl was crying into Shadow's neck while Shadow was stroking her hair. People in the area was watching and they were emotional seeing the heartwarming moment.

Shadow: Shannon are you okay?! Did you break any limbs?! Are you injure somewhere?!

Shannon:No daddy, I'm okay. That nice girl over there saved me.

Shannon pointed to Amy and Shadow looked at her. Amy noticed and nervous smiled and waves.

Hey everyone!!! Thanks for reading this chapter you guys!! Shannon is a fanfiction character made from maxinathunderman1234. Not sure when I'll publish but I'll try to. But for now stay tune.


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