Chapter 6

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At the backyard

After dinner, Shannon and the hedgehogs went in the backyard where Shannon usually trains to fly. In the backyard there's a slide, a ball, a table with four chairs surrounding it with an umbrella protecting them from the hot sun, and a tool shed. The backyard is the size of two cars horizontally next to each other.

Shannon:Here we are Amy, our backyard. Do you like it?

Amy:Yeah, it's so pretty and big.

Shadow went to the shed to get Shannon's training gear and puts it on her and the gear covers her knees and elbows and also she's wearing a helmet.

Amy:Awwww you look so kawaii in that gear Shannon!!!

Shannon: Thank you very much, I picked it out at the sports store and pay for it

Shadow:It sure did cost a lot of money...

Amy: So Shadow, how does this training works?

Shadow:Well you see, Shannon needs to practice to not be afraid of heights so she won't freak out when she flys. Then she needs to practice flapping her wings good enough for her to fly.

Shannon: I am still scared of high places, and we start train a month ago.

Amy:The training sure does sound difficult for you guys. But I don't think the backyard is a good place to train for that.

Shadow: Do you know the better place to do it at?

Amy thought for a moment on where to go and when she knows the place, she smiled.

Amy:Indeed I do now, but we need to take a train to go there

Shannon:Yay! I always want to be in a train!

Shadow:Alright, I'll pack things to bring for all of us.

Amy:I'll help you Shadow

Shannon:Me too daddy

Shadow:Thanks you two. Amy always like helping others being so selfless and kind. She's sweet. Wait...WHAT THE HECK AM I THINKING ABOUT?!!

Shadow slapped himself to get himself out of his thoughts while the girls looked at him with confusion in thier faces looking like they believe he's crazy.

Shannon: Daddy, are you okay?

Amy:Was there a bug on you or something?

Shadow blushed out of embarrassment and scratched the back of his head.

Shadow:It's nothing to worry about girls, I'm alright. This is so embarrassing....

Amy:Ummmm...okay if you say so. Let's just get started

Shadow:Yeah, sounds good


Shannon and Amy shrugged off of Shadow being weird and went back inside in the house.

30 minutes later...

Shannon, Shadow, and Amy were ready go with a training bag and a picnic basket for lunch in case they got hungry during Shannon's training. Shannon took off her training gear which is in her training bag since people would probably think she's a wierdo.

Shadow: You two ready to go? Both of you already went to the bathroom and we're not missing anything and we double checked?

Amy and Shannon:Yeah!

Shadow: Okay let's go

They all went out the front door and made thier way to the train station. Shannon went between the future couple and hold both of thier hands. Amy was shocked about it bit she smiled at Shannon who smiled back. But unknown to them...the same shadowy figure from the park was now standing on the rooftop the whole time.

???: So Shannon doesn't know how to fly yet and that idiot believe he's capable of teaching her. And I have a bad feeling of that Amy Rose girl. I have to get my daughter back from him...he's not worthy of taking care of my child.

The figure flew off to follow them

It doesn't look like the Shadamy couple isn't going to come true easily...Hello everyone, thank you for reading my chapter. Be patient for the next one.


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