Dating A Prince

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Harry (age 24 tumblr)

"It's so weird he's called the same as me," Harry groaned as you slipped in your second earring with cautious fingers. "I have to establish my dominance as the alpha," your little brother claimed as he stared at you from his seat on your bed. "Harry, he's the prince, I'm pretty sure he would win," you laughed as you applied your lipstick and then smacked your lips together. "You don't know that," Harry grumbled sourly, arms crossed over his chest like a petulant child. "How long have you been seeing him anyways?" You checked the time on your phone and deemed you could spare a few minutes to talk to Harry. "A few months. I think you'd quite like him if you'd give him a chance," you said with a raised eyebrow as a subtle accusation. "But he's the prince! It's so weird!" Harry whined as he fell back on your bed and huffed at the ceiling. "Not if you talk to him. He's almost more down to earth than you and the lads." Harry raised his middle finger in your general direction, and you flicked his ankle in retaliation. "I doubt that," he said around a huff as he righted himself. "But I'll give him a shot I guess. When's he coming to pick you up?" With a ruffle of Harry's curls you dragged him off the bed. "Right about now. C'mon. I want you to meet him. Then you can become the alpha," you said mockingly as you heard the telltale sign of Prince Harry's car. "If you tell the prince I said that, I will kill you."

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