He Likes Him More Pt2

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Harry (age 5)

Ran as where every my little legs could take me. I was starting get tired. I stopped at a little place that looks like a meadow. I sat down to catch my breath. Then I started to cry. I don't know why Harry doesn't like me anymore I just don't know why. I wiped the tear off of my face and started to pick with some of the flowers around me when a little brown and white puppy came over to me. "Hey little guy are you lost?" I asked. "I bet your owner as no idea that you are gone." I said playing with him.

Harry pov

I stood there as mum and Gemma yelled at me for making my little sister cry. "So what its not like I loved her anyway!" I  yelled as we pulled into the park way. I didn't well... I did but not the way I like Y/T/N. I like him more because I really get to bond with him and I don't have nothing in common with Y/N. I love her to much to love her. " Where in the world could she be?" I said. I waited for anyone to say something. "I may know where she is." Gemma said.

Y/N pov.

   "Little guy. Would you want to run away with me?" I said looking down. Bubby looked up at me and lick my face. I smiled and started crying. I will only have a dog when I run away. I started to play with the dog again when brown head woman walked over to me. "Hey why are you sitting hear alone?" The woman asked. " I'm running away would  you find  my mummy and tell her I'm not coming home." I said to her.  "Okay first you have to tell me why you running away." She said. "Well,my brother Harry doesn't love me any." I said. "Well why do you say that?" She asked. "Because he buys my twin brother everything,always as time for him and as for me he always say go away or leave me alone. " I said.  "Okay how about we go back to my house for some ice cream and I'll try to find away contact  your family." She said. "But I don't know you and you don't know me." I said. "OK. I'm Royalty  Celine Smith. And you are?" Royalty said. "You'd name is beautiful name. And my name is Y/N Ann Styles." I said. "Now we know each other now lets go." Royalty said. We walk to her car and started to her house. I can say that she is really  nice living. We got out and walked into her house. "Y/N go have a seat on the island chair." Royalty said as she fixed us some ice cream. "Thank you Royalty." I said before eating my ice cream. "Y/N do you know you parents numb?" Royalty asked. I nod my head and gave her Mums number. After she called mummy we went to her living area and watched TV. After I while I got bored so we took some pictures. "Royalty thank you for taking back to your house." I said with a small smile. "No problem. And now I have a new little friend." She said hugging me. Soon after there was a knock on the door and in came Mum,Gemma, Dad,Y/B/N,and Harry. "Y/N Anne Styles,don't ever scare us like that again." Mum said picking me up.  "Sorry guys I got a little upset." I said as I played my head on  Her shoulder. I know I'm five and they still treat me like a baby. "Harry don't you have something to say?" Daddy asked. "Yeah." Harry said quietly as mum up me down so I could go over to him. "Y/N I'm so sorry for not getting you anything nor always beginning there when you need me." Harry said. "It's okay hazza I forgive you." I said as I hugged is neck. "Thank you so much Royalty for finding Y/N." Gemma said. "Mum can I come and visit Royalty sometime?"I asked. They looked over at her. "Is this weekend good." Royalty said. "If its okay with her its okay with us." Mum said. I gave Royal a hug before we left. That night I stayed with Harry and just cuddle and watched moves until the late AM.

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