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Okay so Harry is 16 in and this request is for Kelly_Hemmings_

Kelly POV

I have this huge Exam coming up in a couple of weeks and I have been busy studying and I don't have time to do anything. I'm currently at my house sitting in my room studying. This is something thing major.  Here we go page one of one.

*five  hours into it*

I have been about five hours and I pretty much know everything about this test,but I'm gonna keep going until I full know it.

Harry POV

I have been feeling sick today,but i didn't tell Kelly because I didn't want to bother her while she was studying because she would yell at me. I got sent home from school and now I'm on my way home. I walked through the door and went up to Kelly's room and knocked on her door. "Come in." She said. "Kelly I don't feel good can we please cuddle?" I asked.  "No,Harry I'm kinda busy right now." She said with a sign. I just walked to me room and laid on my bed feel bad.

*4 sickly hours later*

Harry POV

I have puked six time and let's not get on my head ache and my my body hurts from top to bottom. I really need Kelly right now. I have went to her about five time and she would tell me too leave her alone or I'm just being a big baby and that I just need to take a nap and I'll be gone by morning,but that's not working. I walked down to her room and walked in. "Kelly please don't feel good." I said.  "Harry could you just fuck off please, I really need you to leave me alone you are  being      annoying!" Kelly yelled. Tears  welled in my and go back to me room and climb in bed and went to sleep.

  *The Next Morning*

Kelly POV

I'm in the kitchen getting break fast ready for Harry and I. I feel bad for yelling at him yesterday, but he needs to learn that I can't always be there when he need me. I really need to get him up for school. I stopped what I was downing and walked to his room. I walked in side to see him looking pale. Great he really is sick and I yelled at him for being annoying. "Harry wake up breakfast is ready." I said shaking him. He got up instantly. "Kelly I don't fell well." He said. "I know Haz and sorry for yelling at you yesterday." I said taking home into my arms. "I forgive you." He said. "Hey do you wanna cuddle and watch all if your favorite movies all day?" I asked. "Yes. What about you studying?" He asked. "I have about two weeks and I already know it, I'll be back in going to get your breakfast." I said before walking to get his food and going back to his room were we watched movies all day.

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