Puppy and a Rolex Watch

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Harry ~age 16~

Harry POV

Y/N has been wanting a puppy since I didn't when. Well today is the day I get her that. I'm currently at the animal shelter getting her the wolf dog that she as been asking me for. "Hello I'm Harry how can I help you today." The guy Harry asked. "Umm.. I'm looking for a puppy a wolf dog to be exact." I said. "Right this way sir, this the last one of the dogs here." He said giving me the small dog. "Wow it's so adorable." I said taking the pup into my hands. "His name is Stormy Grey and she is about a week old." Harry said. "I'll taking him." I said giving him the money and running out of the store. I'm so excited to see Y/N face when I give her the dog.

Harry as been gone for awhile now. "Mum have you see Harry I have to give him something." I asked walking into the living area. "No,what did you need to give him?" Mum asked.And I pulled out a Rolex Watch. "Y/N where did you get that?" Mum asked. "I ha e been saving up my money to get this for him,he wasn't gonna stop talking about getting one. Mum are you alright?" I asked. "Yes I'm fine Y/N I just I'm so...nothing just for get." Mum said wiling tears out of her eyes. I watched the Telly for a bit until I heard a car door close. Harry walked in with something behind his back. Y/M I have a gift for you." Harry said with his famous Styles smile. "I do to be you go first." I said. Then he pulled a wolf dog from behind his back. "Her name is Stormy Grey." Harry said. "Harry omg you shouldn't have." I said hugging him. "Well you always wanted one so there you are." He said pull out if the hug. "Okay so now my gift to you. But first you have to close your eyes and hold out your wrist." I said. He did as told and I put the watch on his wrist.

 He did as told and I put the watch on his wrist

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Harry POV

I full something cold on my wrist. "Now you can open your eyes." Y/N said. I open my eyes to see a Rolex Watch. "Y/N how, i mean why did you get this for me?" I asked. "Because you are my brother and I love and you are always there when I need you the most." She said. I really love Y/N. "Look guys." Mum said before snapping a pic of us.

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