Deepest Darkest Secret Pt2

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Harry (age 18)

I pushed Niall out of the door when I walked back in my room. I changed into my other pajamas and went to the tents. They looked amazing. The was pushed together to make an opening to get in. Liam and Louis had couches, while Niall and Harry had beds. "How did you get these in there?" I asked Liam as he came in. "We had Josh to help us." We watched movies in our tents, ate popcorn, played games, and play Deepest Darkest Secret again. Liam secret was he wanted to glow like a vampire and all the boys agreed. I had a trick for them. Vampires they will be. The next morning I woke up before all the boys to start the prank. I got the glitter and the glue for the prank. I was going to take the glue and put glitter all over their faces with it. I start with Liam and Louis and than Harry. I wait to do Niall last because I had something else for him. I glimmered the hell out of those boys. "Guys. Wake up breakfast is ready." I said. They came in the room and the sunlight took them in. I snapped a pic. "What the hell." Harry said as he looked in the mirror. "I made you vampires like you wanted to be. It is from buying and putting rabbits on me." I said. "It was Niall's fault." Lou cried. "Oh, I got him too." I said as Niall came out of the tent. He was wearing fake chest hair on him, and he had facial hair.  I dye his hair chestnut. He was a werewolf. "Niall. Look." Liam said. He screamed like girl when he seen his reflection. "Y/N. You did this." Niall said as he pushed the mirror. "Smile." I said as I took a picture and put it on twitter. @1dfans I think the boys watch to much Twilight. #Twilight.

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