Embarrass me

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Harry ~age 17~

 All my friends were over, having a great time when Harry offered to take us all out for lunch. As we  were waiting for the food to come, we all started chatting. When the food finally arrived, I  was about to start eating when Harry stopped me “don’t eat that yet, (y/n). It’s very hot!” He scolded “Harry, I’m not 5. I think I’ll know if the food is hot or not” i rolled my eyes “but you’re my baby sister, I need to make sure the food’s not too hot. Or else you might burn your tongue” at the moment I  realized all my friends were here and my face burned scarlet “aww, are you embarrassed?” He laughed along with your friends “its ok boo, I’m your older brother. My job is to embarrass you”

Harry Styles  BSM Book 2Where stories live. Discover now