Cliché right?

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My name's Mia . Well I was walking down a dark alleyway. Cliché right? Anyways I was walking and bumped into someone. "I'm so sorry!!!" I say and grab my book bag, I try walking away but he grabs my wrist and covers my mouth. While I kicked and screamed he dragged me to a black van and threw me in he jumped in afterwords. "Did you get her vanoss?" A guy asked.

"Yea she is fiesty" 'vanoss' said.

The van started and I look around to see 6 guys. One being this vanoss dude. Wait I heard of a vanoss dude. VanossGaming. They can't be right? Well this guy is wearing a mask all of them are. "Hi my names Mega monkey!" This guy said in a kidish voice. Vanoss took his hand off my mouth. I screamed. "Shut up!" The driver said.

"Y-Your vanoss gaming!!!" I said and backed away. "Shit wildcat you better hurry." Vanoss said to the driver witch was known as wildcat.
"Ok this is mini ladd, thats nogla, wildcat, lui, and h20 delirious or just delirious, And i'm vanoss"
I pushed vanoss out of the way and opened up the back doors. I was about to jump when mini grabed me and shut the door. Now if that didn't get attention. Well then what would.

Vanoss held onto me but not in time cause wildcat did a sharp turn and I hit the side of the van and passed out.
~time skip.~

I woke up in a soft bed. And my head was killing me. I sat up and looked around. I wasn't in my room. I was going to try and escape but I mean how Cliché would that be. I hear the doornob  jiggle. I quickly pretended to sleep and even out my breathing patterns. Wildcat walked in. "Mia, I know your up" he said. I sat up and ran at him trying to punch and kick him. "Who are you why do you want me!?!?" I yell.
"Calm down Mia." He said "You were a random girl we had been ordered to kidnap. He had ordered us to kidnap a brown haired girl. And well you were not lucky"
I push him into the wall and run out the door to the living room where all the guys where. "Get her!!!" Wildcat yelled all the guys droped there controllers. I ran to the front door and pushed it open. Right as a guy was coming in not just one three and they had gun's. I ran back into the house and hide behind the first guy I seen which was wildcat.

"So that's her" the leader said.

"Yea it is Sea nanners" Vanoss said.

"Hand her over so I can get a good look and what I will have" Seananers said. Wildcat pushed me to him and he firmly grabed my arm. "She is so innocent I'll have to fix that" Sea nanners said. I stomped on his foot and punched him in the face. He held his cheek for a few seconds and then raised his hand as if to hit me. Wildcat quickly took his hand and pushed him. "Leave we will have her ready for you in two weeks or so" Vanoss said.

How was the first chapter? So sorry I deleted the last book.
Have fun.

I Need To Be Saved Sometimes. (Vanoss Crew Story)Where stories live. Discover now