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Mia's p.o.v

"I'm sorry" Evan said looking at me.
"I forgive you." I say sighing.

Evan walks out when wildcat walks in. "Mia what would you do if I were to kiss you right now in front of lui David Jonathan and everyone else?" Tyler asked.
"Tyler listen-" I was cut off by the softest pair of lips ever.  "Knock knock" Adam said.
Me and wildcat pull apart. "What do you want Adam?" Lui asked.
"You need to kidnap someone special" He said.
"who and for what?" Vanoss ask.
"For delirious and mia" Adam said.
"That's creepy. Why for mia tho... She isn't lesbian." Wildcat said.
"She is for both of them to keep them sane. Or when insane keep them from hurting you guys. Cause she is insane herself." Adam said as if what he said hadn't affected anyone.
"Mia isn't insane." Mini said.
"Mia tell them" Delirious said.
"When we were in Ireland me and Jonathan let may and delirious out. And they went out on a murder spree." I said. They all started laughing.
(This type of writing is may okaii)
Do you want me to take control?
Yes please
My eye color switched from brown to gray.
"Look at her eyes!" Mini said and backed up.
"Don't be scared mini~" Mia said."I just wanna play a game~ a game of hide or die. You hide and if I find you you die."
'Stop or I'll knock you out' (that means mia)
You look over to Jonathan who's eye color was switching back and forth from baby blue to killer blue.
"Come on Del fight Jonathan and have fun with me~" rose said.
"Thanks may" Delirious said.
"Haha funny joke Savannah and Jonathan." Wildcat said.
" Del come here." Rose said.
He walked twords her. She pulled out a knife trying to cut delirious. He quickly pulled out a sharper knife and cut may Everyone gasped. "JONTHAN!" Evan yelled. Mini moo and nogla held back wildcat so he couldn't kill delirious.
"Delirious you know the rules." May sickly said. She grabbed the knife and cut delirious. This time everyone looked at this wicked people.
"This is why you need sky" Adam said. May let me take control. My eyes turned back to brown. "Jonathan you ok?" I asked. He had his eyes closed shut. When he opened they were baby blue.
"Mia your bleeding!!" Mini yelled.
"I know I don't care. Let's kidnapp this girl" I say.

~~~~~time skip~~~~~
We where right by the alleyway which she walked down. I walked past her but turned back and covered her mouth. Jonathan tyler and evan came out to help her into the truck. Wildcat made a sharp left and she was knocked out. We spent the next 30 minutes playing would you rather.
When we reached home we carried her into the room that I used to sleep in.
Me and wildcat talked. I walked up to my room and put on music. Jonathan walked in but his eye's weren't baby blue. He had his pocket knife in his pocket. "Hey Jonathan!" I say.
"Hey may" He said.
'He thinks I'm in control'
'But I am!!!'
'Don't let him know'
'He won't be so friendly'
I looked back at delirious.
"May- wait. Oh so mia is in charge. Mmmm let's have some fun!" Delirious said.
I nodded.
"W-what kind of fun?" I asked scared.
"Hide or die" He said. I ran downstairs and into the living room. I jumped into Tylers arms. "Help me" I said.
"From wha-" He started.
"Mia you better be hiding or tonight you'll be crying~" Delirious said. Tyler's face went into angry mode.
Delirious spotted me.
*ring ring*
Someone texts me.
Del: Time to die.
I scream.
"WAIT!" Sky yells.
"Who are you?" Delirious asked.
"I'll tell you later just don't kill Mia . She has the insane we have too." She says.
Del looks at me and then throws his knife. It cuts my right arm.
"Del!!" I say and faint.

I Need To Be Saved Sometimes. (Vanoss Crew Story)Where stories live. Discover now