The skype call.

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Mia's p.o.v
(It's been two years by the way)
The doorbell rang so I ran downstairs and opened it. There stood mark with his hair done and in clothed.
"Hey mark" I said calmly not for the fact I woke up a minute ago.
"Um sorry to see you like this" Mark said covering his eyes and blushing a deep red.
"Wha-" I said looking down to see I had no pants on but underware and a tank top.
"oh my gosh i'm so sorry come in I have to get dressed real quick" I said opening up the door Running into the bathroom with the clothes. I brushed my long blonde hair and put on a crop top and black leggings. I walked downstairs and see mark waiting.
"Mia I was coming over to ask if we could hang out" he said.
I nodded and we sat down on the couch. I grabbed my computer.
"I'm going to Skype call my boyfriend real quick if that's ok?" I asked. He nodded and I logged into Skype. Once I got on I seen that delirious was active so I called him. Within a few seconds he picked up. But it wasn't him it was sky.
"URG what the hell are u doing with my boyfriends phone and were are you!?!?" I asked completly pissed.
"Johnathan left for the bathroom. And our group is at a park" she said.
"That park looks familiar" I said.
"It should because were walking twords your house. Where coming to see you! Surprise!!!" She said. 
"Sky why are you on my phone?" Johnathan asked.
"Mia is skyping you." She said.
He grabbed his phone from her.
"Hey babe- Who the hell is that guy!?!?" Delirious shouted earning a few looks from people around him.
"Hi i'm mark and don't worry I'm not stealing your girlfriend cause I am taken. And I haven't told mia yet but i'm gay..... She thought I was before and I didn't want her to know yet." Mark said.
"Oh congrats dude!" Delirious said.
I giggled.
"Did you really think I would have cheated on you?" I said "its been two years and 3 months."
"I can't wait to see you." He said.
*Ding dong*
"I have to go someone's at my door" I love you!" I said.
"Love you to baby girl" He said hanging up. I ran to the door happy.
When I opened it up I was picked up and spinned around. I noticed it was Johnathan!!! "BABE!!!" I screamed and hugged him.
"Mia we missed you" Said vanoss.
"We love you" said nogla.
"Mia you missed so much. Tyler and mini got together. So did lui and nogla and Brain and Brock did to!!" Said sky.
"I missed you guys!" I said "everyone meet mark!" I said point twords him only to find out he wasn't there.
"Mark???" I said. He was at the door with a male. The same male I seen him with when I first meet him and the same male I seen him crying to when they were at the airport.
"Mark?" I said walking twords him.
"Mia meet my boyfriend Sean. Or jack." Mark said. Me and Jack shook hands.
"Mark I know you said never to make a scene and everything but this one is a good one." Jack said.
He got down on one knee and opened up a box.
"Mark Edward fishbach, I have loved you since forever. And I will continue until the day I die and even then more. So mark will you marry me?" He asked. Mark had a hand over his mouth and was crying nodding. Jack got off his knee and put the ring on his finger.
"Awe that's so cute." Sky said.
"Mia can we go on a date today?" Johnathan said.
"Yes!" I said. Me and him kissed.
"Mia I'm going to head home. Goodbye!" Mark said I nodded him off.
"Bye mark!" Sky said.
"Bye sky." Mark said smiling.
"You two know each other?" Vanoss said.
"Yea duh. I set them up together!" She said smiling.
"Ok everyone get comfortable. Cause I need to do my make up and hair cause me and johnathan are going on a date in two hours" I said. (It was 6:00 pm and there going on a date at 8:00 pm)
Me and sky rush upstairs.
~time skip to 1 hour and 50 minutes~ (so like 7:50) (that's her in the picture)
I got my dress on. My hair was curled and done.
I had 2 minutes. I walked down my stairs like a princess and everyone was waiting but delirious was in a tux.
I walked down my bright blue dress was flowing on the ground. Once I got down the steps I held delirious hand.
"You look beautiful." Delirious said kissing my cheek.
~time skip to the medow where the dinner was set up.~
I got out of the car and walked to the table and sat down so did delirious.
"I don't want anyone to ruin this moment" he said.
"What do you mean?" I asked. He got down on one knee.
"Mia. I do love you and it has been two years and 3 months and i'm sorry it took so long and i'm sorry for the drama but this is the time to celebrate and I love you. I see you as the mother of my children and I see you as my everything. Happy ending are real and I want you to make mine happen. So will you marry me?" He asked. I didn't trust my words enough so I nodded while tears treated to fall. He slipped the ring on my finger and we meet for a kiss. This is the happyest day of my life.

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