Not mine?

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Delirious's P.o.v
I was cuddling cry. "Mia don't go in there!" Vanoss said. She didn't listen and walked in. Cry seen her and glared. I was so confused they were brother and sister and there fighting? What the hell happened.
"Cry stop glaring" I said.
"She started it!" He said defending himself.
"Yea I did cause I tried protecting you cause he verbally abused you and cheated!" She says giving me a sad look.
"So where together again, He's changed!!!" I said defending him. He smiled and kissed me. Of course I kissed back, he is my boyfriend.
"Babe let's leave. I don't wanna be around my sister she hit me." Cry said frowning. Mia was pissed.
"Dude he hit her delirious" Wildcat said.
"Did not!" Cry defended himself.
"Boyfriend?" Cry asked.
"Yea boyfriend." Mia says. He lifts his hand and smacks her across the face. I gasp and he glare at me. He makes a fist and punches me as well.
"Did I ever say that you could have a boyfriend? You know what happens" He said. Tears filled her eyes. I hated seeing her like this so I shot up and grabbed his arm before he could hit her.
"Don't you fucking dare hurt her. I will kill you" wildcat said. He walked over to him and punched him. He continued to lunch him until vanoss and lui and David came to pull him off with me. By that time he broken his nose his face was bloody. I grabbed his face and kissed it blood was on my lips. But I didn't care. I picked him up and fixed his nose. I was a doctor once. He sat there fixed up. He hit her! I shouldn't be treating him like he is special!! I lifted my fist and punched the wall. I couldn't bring myself to punching him. I really couldn't. Tyler walks up to me.
"He hit her once and you didn't do anything to save her but gasp" He said.
"You didn't either" I said.
"I put him in this shape didn't I?" He asked.
"Yes you did. But tyler you aren't going to be with mia forever." I said.
"Watch me" He said challenging me.
Cry stirred to signal he is waking up.
"Morning cry" I said.
"Morning babe. Today is my last day and I haven't got lucky yet." He said. "Why is that?"
"Cause I'm not a whore. I don't give out before the third day anymore. It's three months or you don't get some. Its only been the second day" I said.
"I don't need to hear this shit. Especially if you beat up your sister and my girlfriend" Wildcat said.
"What the fuck is he doing here!?!?" Cry screamed. I shooed out wildcat and then me and cry sat down.
"You leave today in two hours." I said
"I would hate myself if I said this right before you leave. But it's over"  "what you said was true?" He said. He was angry. Real angry.
"Yes sorry" I said. He grabbed me and punched me in the face.
"You are NEVER LEAVING ME" he said.
"I am so goodbye" I said. He kicked me to the ground and continued to punch me. "No! Never you're mine!" He screamed. Mia ran into the room but her eyed were dark so rose was in control.
"DON'T HURT HIM!!" She screamed and knocked him out.

I Need To Be Saved Sometimes. (Vanoss Crew Story)Where stories live. Discover now