Harley quinn

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Mia's p.o.v

"Harley" vanoss said venom dripped from his voice.
"That's me baby boy" Harley said.
"Don't call him baby boy." I said.
"What did you say little girl" Harley said.
"Don't call him baby boy. He is MY boyfriend. Not your slutty ass one." I said.
Harley raised her fist as if to hit me. "Don't even Harley" Wildcat said.
"Why are you defending a whore?" Harley said.
"She isn't the whore here" Lui said and giggled at his own joke.
"I came here for her actually. I don't understand why adam wants her ugly ass." She said and made a ugly face.
"Oh sweetie please go look in the mirror" I said laughing
'BURNNNN' everyone said.
"Honey I do look in mirroir and I see perfection." She said smirking.
"Well 'honey' I don't think your looking in the mirrior, I think your looking at me." I said and sat down next to wildcat again.
"Ugh!" She said and flipped her hair.
"Aren't you hear for me?" I ask.
"Yea adam sent me so come with me" Harley said.
"Well tell adam to suck a dick and go away he can't have her" vanoss said and kissed me.
"Adam won't stop until he has her and she knows why don't you princesses?" She said. I gulped. "Don't call me that." I said.
Just then Adam walks through the door. His phone has something pulled up.
"Is it because maybe oh maybe your a irish princess?" He said. Still holding up the phone.
"I have no idea what your talking about." I said again I turned my head.
"Don't lie princess. You want me to inlighten them?" Adam said.
"Yes inlighten us" Delirious said looking at me.
"Well little miss princesses here was about 17 years old when her parent's had planned for her to get married to a man. Well that 'man' was me. She had refused to marry me after finding out what I had did. Plus she had fallen in love with her best friend Tyler. Her old friends evan, Jonathan, brock, craig, and some other dudes had supported her through this. Well I had promised her that I would find her. She hasn't changed a lot dyed her hair to blonde and got blue lenses. I found you didn't I?" Adam said.
"Wait Mia? As In mia reffor??!??!?" Vanoss said.
"Yes. That's me." I said.
"Mia" wildcat said.
"Yes" I said.
"Wait a fucking minute. You guys haven't told her" Adam said.
"Told me what?" I asked.
"Mia it's us" Wildcat said and all of them took off there mask. "Lui, David, Tyler, Evan, Brock, Craig, Jonathan??!!!?" I said and started crying. Harley looked down at me. "I am sorry." She said hugging me. "My names Evelyn."  I smile.

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