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(Three years later) mia's p.o.v

I had two kids with johnathan and it was wonderful. Were both 40 years old. Well Johnathan is 45. My little baby girl and boy. But they weren't kids they were teens. The girl was 14 and the son 15. My son's name is Felix and my daughter's name is minx.
They were such beautiful names for two beautiful children. I loved them so dearly.
"Felix stop it!!" Minx screamed. I walked in the living room to see felix feeding the pugs maya and edger minx's food.
" Felix Arvid Ulf Denis!!" I scream.
"Yes mother." Felix said.
"Vänligen lämna henne ensam felix" I said in Swedish.
"Men mor hon har något att berätta~" felix said.
"I do not!!!" She said slapping felix.
"Felix mamá es gay" she said giggling.
"I am not!!" He screamed.
"Children calm down!" Johnathan said hugging me.
"Listen to your mother felix. And minx you're brother will come out when he wants" he said.
"I'm not gay!!!" Felix screamed.
"naar buiten komen om Minx" johnthan said. (Ok I will do all the translations at the end!)
"But dad." Minx said.
"Do it" he said. She nodded and grabbed her phone she walked over to us.
"Mom.... Estás preciosa" she said.
"Stop stalling" I said tapping my foot.
"I'm lesbian!" She said hiding her face.
"Ok that's wonderful!" I said hugging her.
"Felix." I said sternly.
"Fine. Dad i'm bi" he said looking down.
"Son that's wonderful and fine" he said. Hugging him. Were such a weird family.

But this is my family.

1. Leave your sister alone felix.
2. But mom she has something to tell you~
3. It says mom is gay but it means mom felix is gay.
4. Come out minx.
5. You look lovely
And if your wondering no I didn't use Google.

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