Who am I?

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Cry's p.o.v

I was getting punched nonstop by my sister. I soon eventually blacked out.
I woke up in a white room. "Hello?" I called out.
"Cry it's mom" She said stepping out of the shadows.
"Mom are you dead?" I asked completely confused.
"No no sweetie. I am here to tell you what you're doing is wrong. Your messing up peoples life and your hitting the people you love." She said shaking her head as if to say she is disappointed.
"Mom they deserve it!" I scream getting closer and lifted my fist about to strike my mother.
"Don't back talk me. And lower your fist. When you wake up you will be in a lot of pain. But once you see your sister you will feel guilty. Along with that little boy." She said. I nodded not bothering to correct her.
"Also you will leave that house forever. Never go back to your sister. Leave her out of your messed up life. Don't be like your father when he hit you." She said.
I nodded. Everything began to fade and I opened up my eyes.
"Is he awake yet!?!?" I heard delirious scream.
"No and calm down. He hit you." Mia said.
"So he has changed!!" Delirious said defending me.
"No I haven't" I said. Everyone gasped.
"B-babe yes you have!!!" He said.
"No I haven't and you broke up with me. I need to leave ok? Its over" I said.

I Need To Be Saved Sometimes. (Vanoss Crew Story)Where stories live. Discover now