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Delirious's p.o.v
He left. He left me. They were right he did hurt me but I still protect him. I protect everyone. "Del" Evan said.
"Yes?" I said. I sigh I gave up.
"We all know what's going on. You dated him cause you where lonely and You wanted mia jealous?" Evan said.
"Yes! Tyler isn't even in love with her!" I scream clearly frustrated.
"What do you mean? Yes he is. The way he looks at her and they talk" Evan said confused.
"He- He made a deal" I say.
"With who? And about what?" Mini asked more confused than anyone at here.
"Well tyler and mia are out right?" I asked. They nodded.
"Yea so?" Moo asked.
"Where did they go?" I asked.
"To dinner" Vanoss said.
"What has any of this have to do with it?" Marcel asked.
"HE IS GOING TO POISON HER!!!" mini yelled hopping up.
"Wait what!?!?" Vanoss asked confused.
"Mia and tyler once had a fight and well afterwords tyler made a call to Adam and said everything is ready for there dinner and that it was going to be deathly. And a side of poison." Mini said.
I dailed her number.
(H=her m=me)
H: Hello?
M: Get out of there mia!!
H: Why? Me and my boyfriend are eating right now. Well he went to go get it.
M: he is going to poison you!! He left to put the poison in your food.
H: he wouldn't do that.
M: well to be sure have him taste your food first.
H: ok
She hung up.
"Were going to go get her" vanoss said. We all piled into the car.

Mia's p.o.v
"Hey I'm back babe" Tyler said holding the food. After the conversation I was scared to eat.
"Baby something wrong with the food?" He asked. I shook my head no.
"Take a bite" I said.
"What?" He said fear crossed his face.
"Take a bite to see if it taste good." I repeated.
He grabs the fork and takes a bite. His face went ghostly white.
"Babe!" I scream making him puke which took out the poisoned item.
"I'm sorry" He said and shut his eyes. All the guys rushed through the door picked him up and took him the the hospital.

~time skip to when tyler gets help~
"Can we see him?" I ask.
He nods and moves from the door. Tyler is wide awake and smiles as we walk in. I sit down next to his bed and look at him tears flowing down my cheek.
"I'm sorry Mia " He said "He wanted to be with you through death. And I would have even done it myself so you weren't suck with him" I hugged him.
"To bad your going to die without her." The doctor said.
"What do you mean?!? I got the poisoned food out you fixed him!!" I screamed.
"Well you didn't get it in time a lot of poison slipped into his system. He will die in the next few days" He said and walked out.
"Guess this is goodbye?" He said holding out his hand.
"No you can't leave me!!" I said tears flowing down my face.
"Please don't leave me!"
They started dragging me out but wildcat stopped them.
"Mia I did love you just not romantically. Its over don't get hurt over my death. Cause I did it for you." He said crying. He started coughing and coughing then his heart dropped. It all went in a blur I ran to him crying everyone started dragging me out doctors rushed to save him but no luck. At the end of the day wildcat was no longer mine. I wasn't wild. Nor a cat. I was a crying mess. And delirious was there to help me.
On the grave we made it said.
' here lies the bravest guy. He gave his life to save another. She is sorry. But you are a wild cat. We love you man and thought this all you where there for us. Love you tyler'
I loved you tyler. I loved your looks and it was fake.

I Need To Be Saved Sometimes. (Vanoss Crew Story)Where stories live. Discover now