Home sweet home

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Mia's  p.o.v

I walk to my room. I get changed and lay down on my bed reading wattpad. *knock knock*
"Come in" I say softly while yawning. They heard me and opened the door. It was Vanoss.
"Mia can I say something?" He ask. I nodd "I really like you." He said blushing.
"I really like you too Vanoss" I say and kiss him.
*SLAM* Me and vanoss jerked back blushing. "I should head back to my room" he said walking out. I lay back down and fall asleep.

Wildcat's p.o.v

I walked to mia's room to ask her how she is but evan beat me too it. I opened the door a little bit and listened in. "I really like you" evan said.
"I really like you too" She said back. Then they kiss. I slam the door shut and run to my room. "I actually thought I had a chance with her" I say. *knock knock* I open the door and ther stood mini and moo. "Are you ok?" Mini asked.
"Yea" I said.
"You sure?" Moo asked I nodded and they left. I wasn't the type of guy to ruin my best friends relationship. Im not mean. I layed down and bed and slept.

~time skip~

I woke up without a shirt but still in pants. I walked down stairs and grabed some cereal and milk and eat it. (Ok so droidd is with his gf so is marcel and cartoonz is also) After I washed my dish. I look up to the couches to see moo and mini cuddled up on a couch along with nogla and lui and delirious and evan are talking. Mia is watching t.v,  I sit down next to her and change the channel. "Hey I was watching that" she said while pouting cutely.
"So? We are watching this now" I said and stuck my tounge out. She huffed and turned around.

Vanoss's p.o.v (sorry)

I looked over at mia, to see tyler flirt with her. But I know him he isnt like the type to break up relationships. "Aye wildcat drug deal today!" Delirious yelled to him. Mia turned around wide eyed. She walked up to me grabbing my shirt.  "DRUG WHAT!?!?" She yelled hitting my arm not ruffly.
"Babe calm down" I said and she stoped hitting me. Crossing her arms. I was about to say something else but was interupted by "KNOCK KNOCK GUESS WHO'S BACKKKKK~" The devil yelled.
"Harley" i said venom dripping from my voice.

"That's me, baby boy" She said her smirk very present.

I Need To Be Saved Sometimes. (Vanoss Crew Story)Where stories live. Discover now