Hook up's and Break ups.

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Jonathan's p.o.v (h2o's p.ov)

I was heart broken. I knew they hooked up before. But never thought it would hurt this much. He saved me. Vanoss found me and saved me when we all where in ireland. We went out and stuff. But he broke it off and told me he wasn't gay. So me and him forgot about it. I tried to forget my feelings but I can't. Harley walked down stairs and wiped her lips. "YOU WHORE!!!" Mia yelled and went to kill her. Mia's nails where real and long and sharp. Vanoss walked down afterwords.
"What the fuck vanoss. You couldnt even keep your dick to yourself! "Mia said.
"It's over" Vanoss said and walked out the door. I followed him.
Haley was gone and he was sitting there... crying!?!?
"Vanoss?" I asked softly
"J-Jonathan!" He said and wiped his tears before turning around.
"Evan what the hell!?!?" I asked.
"I hooked up with her ok!?!?"
"Evan it's fine." I said.
Evan hugged me and I hugged back. When we were about to let go. We started into each others eyes. "E-evan do you want this?" I asked.
I kissed him. He kissed back. Finally.

Mia's p.o.v

I watched as they kissed. They where cute and to be honest I couldn't care less anymore. As long as they were happy. I was fine with it 

"Finally" Wildcat said.
I gave a confused look. "We have been trying to get them back together for like ever" He said. I nodded and went back to sleep.

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