Fucking hell

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Mia's p.o.v

"I didn't who told you that?" I ask astonished.
"Adam did" Vanoss said.
"Of course his schum bag did!" I said and my nails gripped his neck.
"You're to nice to hurt me to bad you don't have a darker side" I said digging my nails deeper making the blood start dripping faster.
"M-may you don't know that" Adam said.
"Who said it was may jackass? Who said I needed may to hurt someone I pissed at." I stated. He gasped for air this time the blood was flowing down my hand I let go knowing if I digged even deeper it would have killed him.
"H-help m-m-e" He said.
Tyler left sky's side and fixed up the marks I left.
"Mia i'm sorry for calling you that" Vanoss and wildacat said.
"No I am going to leave the house for a couple of days. I can't stand all the drama." I said. I ran upstairs where Wildcat followed me.
"You can't leave." He said.
"Why not?!?!?" I said.
"Cause I said so" He said.
I pushed him into the door. "Do not ever tell me what to do. I do not love you! I love delirious. He can only tell me what to do!" I said.
He pushed me onto the floor.
"Get off me!!" I screamed.
Delirious burst through the door and pulled wildcat off me and punched him.
"Leave my girlfriend alone." He said.
"I'm sorry Mia " Wildcat said.
Everyone went down in the living room I had my packed bags. "Guys i'm leaving for a month and I will Skype you all everyday" I said kissing everyone's cheek but delirious's.
"No kiss for me?" He asked sadly.
I grabbed his coat and kissed him on the lips. We pulled apart and I walked out waving goodbye for now.

~time skip to the USA new york~
(They where in California.)
I pulled up to my Apartment bulding and walked in getting my room key and walking to my room.
I stopped at 204 and opened up. I walked in and unpacked my bags. And set everything up in the house.
*knock knock*
I walk to the door and open it up. There stood a man with raven black hair and square rimmmed glasses.
"Hi i'm mark I live next to you." He said. I blushed and went to shake his hand. He grabbed my hand and pulled me into a hug. I blushed even more and hugged back.
"Hi i'm mia and I have a boyfriend." I said giggling "sorry"
"It's fine, I love that girls are loyal" He said.
I nodded and told him he could come in until a male came out of his apparment shirtless. "Mark you need to come back to the apparment" He said in a really weird husky voice.
"No offence mark. I didn't take you as a gay type" I said.
"OH NO!!! hell no!!!!" Mark said I burst out giggling.
"Well heres my number I'm tired as hell and want to sleep goodnight markimoo" I said handing him a peace of paper and falling onto my couch sleeping.

I Need To Be Saved Sometimes. (Vanoss Crew Story)Where stories live. Discover now