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Savannah's p.o.v

"Harley is Evelyn . Delirious is Jonathan. Vanoss is evan. And brock is moo craig is mini david is nogla and lui is lui." I said recapping everything.
"So irish princess" Adam said "You're mine."
"No im not im evan's." I said. "Wait evan?!?" I say and look around. Two people are missing evan and Harley... Tears filled my eyes. I drop to the floor. "E-evan" I said. And faint.

Wildcat's p.o.v
She faints. Why was she crying? I look around Vanoss and Harley where gone. "That fuck face!" I yell.
"What's wrong wildcat" Adam asked.
"Watch mia" I say.
I run upstairs and hear the most horrific sound in my life.
"AH VANOSS FASTER" harley yells. I open the door and cover my eyes. "Evan you fuck face cheating on Mia with her!!!!" I say pointing at Harley and walking out.

Adam's p.o.v (sorry for all the p.o.v changes.)
Mia was passed out in my arms. She is beautiful and all but she isn't mine. A scream sliced the thick tension "AH Evan FASTER!!" harley yelled. Mia shot awake.
"Mia you're up!" I say and hug her.
"V-vanoss h-hurt me" She said crying again. Wildcat walked down stairs but seeing mia he ran twords her and hugs her.
Can't I ever make her happy?

I Need To Be Saved Sometimes. (Vanoss Crew Story)Where stories live. Discover now