wedding day

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Mia's p.o.v

It was the day. It was three months when he first asked me and today was finally the day. I had my make up done and my dress on. I was waiting for my time to leave the church married. It was my turn to walk down the asile now. I walked out my dress was beautiful. I walked down the asile with the flowers in my hand. Everyone gasped some talked. I didn't care what they said it was perfect. Mark had his wedding last month is was beautiful. The theme was for there's blue and green. Mine is just a plain one but for the party part its silver and gold. Witch looked beautiful. My dad was walking with me. Once we got there I kissed his cheek and held delirious's hands.
"Before we start the have there vows to read. Johnathan would you start" the paster said. He nodded and began.
"Mia we are crazy. But I want to be crazy together. I am crazy but crazy for you. And only you. You are my sun and moon and stars. And if we ever have kids they will be my stars to prove that we were sent for each other. Us. I love you more than you could ever know. I'm not going to be cheesy and say more than the sun. But I love you what you think I love you times 1000x because you are mine. And I want this ring to be a handcuff and keep you locked up with me. You where always loyal even if you had thousands of other men that you could choose from. And I'm glad you chosen me." He said smiling.
I wiped my cheeks. "Your turn mia. "
"I don't really have words. But if I did they probably would be. You were the sweetest thing that could happen to me and I love you. You really had more options than you know for girls but I was the one. You kidnapped my heart and I have fallen so hard that I can't exscape. And I don't want to. I want children that will be running around saying mommy and daddy. Because Johnathan I love you. And I want you as MY husband no one else. I want those handcuffs to cuff me to our love no matter how kinky that sounds. But I love you." I say.
"Repeat after me" the paster said.
"I will take this girl through sickness and health and be her's and only her's" he said. Johnathan repeated and so did I but with the him and stuff.
"Do you johnathan Denis take mia reffor as your wife?" He asked.
"I do" johnathan said with no hesitation.
"Do you mia reffor take johnathan Denis to be your husband?" He asked.
"I fucking do!" I say giggling.
"Then you may kiss the bride!" The paster said.
We kissed and everyone celebrated.

~time skip to the party~
We sat down at the table as the music comes on. Me and delirious walk down. (I don't know if the first dance is with dad or husband. But its dad in mine)
My dad grabs my hand and we start dancing to music soon the music stops and I go find johnathan. I look around and he isn't there I get scared and look around some more to see he is with my mother there chatting. I walk up to them.
"Mom i'm so glad you came." I said.
"Of course I would come. My baby is getting married to this lovely man." She said.
"Thanks mom but we need to get up to the table again." I said pulling johnathan to the table.
Once we sat down I paused the music.
"We shall start dinner. But first toast to the people who want to" I said.
My mother stood up. Oh no.
"Hi I'm mia's  mother. I would like to say they would make a very cute couple. Because my daughter deserves the best. And only the best. Which is johnathan." She said wiping her tears.
"To marriage!" Johnathan said.
"To marriage!" Everyone repeated.
The rest of the night was us being a happy couple and partying.

There is two more chapters and ignore that little symbol on the dress!!!

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