Do you love me?

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Delirious's p.o.v
I kissed her right in front of Tyler.
He didn't care he left her pretending to be dead! Sh*t he left all of us. Mia blushed.
"What was that for?" She asked. Her eyes darted twords Tyler.
'Johnathan. She might still love him'
'She might johnathan. He may have left her. But she cut for him. She carved his name with her blade. You walked in to his name dripping down you're girlfriends arm'
'You are right I need to talk to her'
'That's not what I men-'
I shut him out. "Mia can we talk?" I ask. She nods and tells Tyler to make himself at home and that everyone is here.
We walk upstairs.
"Do you still love him?" I ask. She looked shocked and them quite frankly hurt. "Do you mia? I remember walking into your room watching the blood of his name drip down your arm. I screamed for help. I remember you told us it was all for him to go see him!"
Tears prick her eyes. "No I don't love HIM! I love you johnathan. I love your crazy ways your deliriously insane ways" she says cupping my cheek while tears flood down her cheek.
"Babe i'm sorry" I said hugging her wiping away the tears whispering sweet nothings in her ear.
"I forgive you" she says.
"Mia" sky says. Our heads snap that way.
"Yes sky" She says disconnecting from me.
"Someone is here to see everyone." She says looking fearful. I grab mia's hand and we walk down the stairs.
"YOU REALLY THOUGHT YOU COULD LEAVE WITHOUT KILLING HER?!?!?" We both hear someone yell we all knew that voice too damn well.
"Shut the hell up Adam" mia said. "I should have killed you, not have tyler fake his death. That should have been you!! You should have been the one getting posined." I grabbed him and pinned him against the wall.
"All you did was hurt her. Try and kill her haven't you ever thought that maybe she never wanted you?" I say.

"I knew she never wanted me. She wanted tyler. That's why I used him see sky here was actually something more to him. When they where together sky and tyler where making touchdowns" He said laughing his dolphin laugh. He winked when saying touchdowns. H-he cheated on mia? 
"Y-you cheated on me with SKY?!?!?" She said
"Mia there is also something else you didn't know. Sky is your sister" adam said laughing.
Oh great... More drama.

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