New found love?

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Delirious's p.o.v
I took my time getting from the tree once mia left. Once I got in everyone was in my room with a questioning look.
I nodded and they jumped up and down.
Suddenly there was banging on the door.
"IT'S THE POLICE OPEN UP" One of the screamed. I ran down stairs and opened the door.
"Where is mia?" Ask the police officer.
"Gone why? Why do you want to talk to my girlfriend?" I asked.
"Are you Jonathan Denis?" The police officer asked.
"Well I would have liked to inform you that the hospital lied." The officer said.
"Lied about what?" Mia said walking twords me.
"Tyler. Your friend. Isn't dead." The police officer said.
"I- I don't believe you!" Mia screamed.
"Why not mia?" Asked the police officer. I looked around wait there's no police car.
"T-tyler?" I asked. Everyone was full on crying, but me. I was pretty close.
"Finally you fuck!" Tyler said taking off his mask. We bro hugged.

Mia's p.o.v

"T-tyler?" Delirious asked.
"Finally you fuck!" Tyler said. Once he took of his mask they bro hugged.
Everything came back in a flash the date the running out of the room the fights the kisses him faking it all.
"Mia?" Tyler asked. My face was deathly pale. And my heart was shattered broken.
"Babe?" Delirious asked. Vanoss ran up to me and dragged me away.
"What the fuck Evan?!?!" Delirious asked.
"Just watch" he said. He let go of me and I closed my eyes tears still falling.
'Take over.'
'With pleasure'
I open my eyes to be dark gray.
"YOU DICK HOW COULD YOU!?!?" May screamed.
Tyler looked shocked.
"We all thought you where dead! I cut again I broke our promise. I'm sorry Mia " rose said again.
'Sorry mia'
'Mia don't you dare!!!' She lunged at tyler I knocked her out.

Tyler's p.o.v
She lunged at me but right as she tried to hurt me she dropped.
"What the fuck." I said.
"Mia is right why the hell did I take you a year to come back?" Vanoss asked.
"I had to get out of Adams protection." I said.
They nodded. Mia stired. Her eyes opened to bright blue ones.
"Mia?" I asked. "Why are your eyes blue?" Delirious's eyes widened.
"B-blue?" He asked. I nodded. He looked at her eyes. He shook her then kissed her. Her eyes returned to brown.
She blushed.
Sorry for such a short chapter!!!

I Need To Be Saved Sometimes. (Vanoss Crew Story)Where stories live. Discover now