Chapter 2: To Hogwarts

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"Let's go inside!" Romania clapped his hand once and leads the rest to the train. Inside, they met up with the other Nations.

England and Norway has left the Nations, holding Romania responsible for all. Although he has help from Hungary, Austria, Iceland and Canada.

Hungary told Canada what England told them and Canada understands. He knew that he has to watch America every now and then.

With that, they searched for empty seats. Austria and Canada stayed with America's group. It consisted of America himself, Denmark and Iceland. Meanwhile Hungary, Romania, and Prussia was forced to look for a free space somewhere else in the train.

They spotted one, with four people in it. One is apparently covered, sleeping. Beside him were two boys, one is a redhead while the other had black hair and has a scar on his forehead. Across from them is a brunette girl.

Hungary, sounding politely, asked if they can sit beside the brunette. "Oh, it's fine." The brunette showed a brief smile.

The four of them fit in one chair because they're actually small people. There's even some space in between.

"Oh, I am Elizaveta Hedevary." Hungary puts out her arm for a handshake and Harry accepted her handshake.

"Vladimir." Romania introduced himself, smiling. He didn't even bother saying his surname, cause he doesn't have any.

"Gilbert Beilschmidt." Prussia grins. He has this aura of awesomeness around him.

"I am Hermione Granger." The brunette introduced with politeness as well.

"Ron Weasely." The redhead smiled.

"Harry Potter." The boy with a scar introduced himself.

The three wizards were waiting for their shocked reactions but they had no signs of shock on their faces. Except for Romania, who was smiling like a total idiot. They thought if they even knew who Harry Potter is.

I know who he is. The three Nations thought. The Magic Trio explained everything back at the magic room and on the way coming here. Its just that they don't find it significant. Besides, they're been told to stay away from them and a couple of Slytherins.

The train started to run and everyone was having small chitchats. Asking where they're from, what do they like, basic things to know one another.

Rain was pouring down from the skies. The clouds covered the sun and made the surroundings dark and gloomy.

Romania and Prussia knew better not to mess with Hungary in an enclosed space so they tried not to piss her even if their mouths were itching to say something annoying to Hungary. Actually, their eyebrows even started to twitch.

"So, who's he?" Prussia looks at the man covering himself. He decides to keep his head away from insulting Hungary or else.

"R. J. Lupin." Hermione simply replied.

"How did you know that?" Ron asked, wondering. They don't even know who the person is, and never met him as well.

"It's at his suitcase. See?" Hermione pointed at Lupin's suitcase like it was simple and such common sense.

"I wonder what's he teaching?"

"Isn't it obvious? He's the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher." Hermione pinched the bridge of her nose.

Hungary and Prussia were lost. But Romania knew better, since he and the other two members of the Magic Trio once enrolled in Hogwarts. It was good days.

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