Chapter 19: The Very First Sorting

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A/N: This flashback/arc is going to take a while. Probably 5 chapters or more. So, yeah. It's going to be about the Magic Trio and a few Nations that's related to them, showing their earlier years in the wizardry world.

When it was the Nation's turn, England goes in first to see four wizards standing at the front, wearing clothes according to their houses. Out of the corner of England's eyes, he sees something fly pass the window outside. It looked like a dragon but he ignored it.

Godric Gryffindor, who wore orange clothes. Helga Hufflepuff wore yellow clothes. Rowena Ravenclaw is blue and Salazar Slytherin wears green. Each of them created their own House: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin respectively.

England's eyes roamed the hall, seeing four lanes of tables. The first year students before him had already been divided into their own houses.

 The first year students before him had already been divided into their own houses

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"Take a seat, my child." Helga Hufflepuff smiled sweetly and gestured to a stool in front of the founders.

England followed obediently and sat straight. "What is your name, son?" Godric Gryffindor asks before putting his Sorting Hat on England's head.

"Arthur. Arthur Kirkland." The British boy answered in a polite tone.

"Well, oh my, what a heroic name. Arthur." Rowena Ravenclaw commented.

"You may put the hat now." Salazar Slytherin pointed out, and Godric followed his friend's command. Godric then falls back to his fellow founders and waited for the decision of the hat.

"Hm... Arthur Kirkland eh? But in truth, you are England." The hat whispered in his ear.

"H-Huh? How do you-"

"Know?" The hat finished England's sentence and laughed. "My child, I can read your mind. This way, I can determine to what house you belong to."

"You strongly believe in your ideals and thoughts, and you fight for them. That is such bravery and courage, especially when your rival (France) badmouths your beliefs and rituals. You are very hard working, you would do anything and everything to get what you want an in the end... You shall receive what you have sought. No doubt you are smart and quite brainy, but pride makes you look like a fool. Not only that, you are swift, tricky, and cunning. Not to mention your foul language."

The Sorting Hat had said a lot but couldn't come to a conclusion. This boy has traits of all the houses. It's absurd but possible, and it's causing trouble.

The hat turned to the founders. "My dearest founders, I cannot decide where to put him for he has the traits of all houses." It claimed.

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