Chapter 7: Like Never Before

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Romania rushed to the Slytherin house, seeing students with wide grins on their faces as they see him pass by. He cursed mentally and tried to focus on the matter at hand, to find the others!

 He cursed mentally and tried to focus on the matter at hand, to find the others!

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When he entered the Slytherin dormitory, he sees Prussia sitting on his bed. Romania approaches him, which made Prussia lay down. Located at the top of the bunker, Prussia faces the wall and puts a blanket over him.

He looked like a caterpillar in a cocoon. The blanket made it look like he was so small and fragile, which contradicts Prussia.


"What? You're going to make me look stupid and not so awesome again?" Prussia growled, annoyed.

Prussia has a huge ego and is full of pride. With a while ago's event, he couldn't take it and stormed off, feeling shame and humiliated. This is going to be in his diary, and it's going to suck sounding so uncool.

"Why would I even do that?" Romania had his arms crossed, watching Prussia. He only sees his figure with the blanket covering him. Normally, seeing Prussia like this would make Romania laugh and it would pleasure him to see the 'Awesome' Prussia acting this way but this is a different matter.

"Because we hate each other." Prussia replied in a muffled tone due to the blanket.

"No, we don't. We even belonged to the same house once, Prussia. Germany, you, and I." Romania pointed out.

"Oh please. The House of Hohenzollern?" Prussia scoffed.

"It was the time where Germany was born. Don't talk like the House of Hohenzollern is nothing to you!"

"This is not even about the House of Hohenzollern! Just leave me alone, Romania!" Prussia shoved his blanket away, sitting straight to turn towards his direction and look at him with anger.

A moment of silence passed as the two looked at each other's eyes. Romania showed a hint of worry while Prussia showed anger.

"Just let me be the fool that I am." Prussia was the first to look away.

When Romania was about to turn around and look away, he heard a voice. It belonged to someone unexpected and annoying. It belonged to a snake.

"Let me be the fool that I am!" Draco imitated and cackled like a hyaena, hearing Prussia's last sentence.

Prussia's eyes narrowed at Draco, teeth gritted and fists clenched. Romania lost it and his blood boiled in anger, he feels like doing the most powerful and deadliest curse of all time on Draco, with a fatality of one-hundred percent.

"How long have you been there?" Romania asked with venom.

"Just now. I heard that you're all a couple of newbies who doesn't know how to fly on their broom in their third year. How pathetic." He continued.

Romania snapped and his anger caused magic to show in another form, which is pressure. Just like when Harry Potter unintentionally made a whole glass wall disppear without knowing magic. The pressure was like gravity, and it was a rather strong one, making Draco fall to his knees while Prussia almost fell from his bed. Prussia felt like panicking and freaking out.

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