Chapter 25: Our Dear Ones

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A/N: Guy's! Sorry for not updating for 2 weeks and a half! School... Is fudging me over. With our school intramurals messing with our academic schedule, the teachers just bombarded us with projects upon projects and assignments upon assignments.

Now that my projects are all nearing their deadline, I have some time to update. But I bet they'll give us more headaches of a project later on.

Teachers: 😈

And my exam is nearing once again... March 15 or 16. And I will be reviewing.

Please understand 😂 I'm a high school student who needs to maintain high grades just to make my parents proud, to feel good about myself, to enter a good college, and to get a decent work later on.

Without further ado, Chapter 25!

The Magic Within Me✵✣


"America, come over here!" England yelled, his voice echoing in the field.

"I'm coming!" A little America started running towards the Brit, wanting to hug the older Nation.

England kneeled to the ground and stretched his arms, embracing America when he jumped towards him. "Have you been good? If not, I'm not going to show any magic tricks."

"I've been good! I've been very good!" America insisted, wanting to see England's tricks once again.

"Are you sure?"


"Okay then, just stand over here and wait for the magic to happen."

America followed England's instructions, standing at the exact spot where the Brit pointed at. With the little Nation not anymore clinging on England, the older Nation stood up as well, dusting himself.

Bringing out a journal, he searched for the page that has magic spells. Finding the spell he was looking for, England simply said an incantation and tiny yellow stars started popping from the tip of his wand and it would fall the ground.

The little Nation's eyes glistened and he smiled widely. He stretched his little white dress to catch the falling stars, failing to catch them. One star bounced off his head and it made England smile, laughing at how adorable the Nation is.

 One star bounced off his head and it made England smile, laughing at how adorable the Nation is

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As he continues to watch America catching the stars, memories entered his mind.

"A spell that can make little kids happy? England, little kids get amazed by magic all the time, especially if its a spell they haven't seen before." Romania said, like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

The Magic Within Me (Pottertalia/Harry Potter X Hetalia Crossover Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now