Chapter 20: The First Second Day

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Last night, the Nations had slept in their own respectful houses. Bulgaria, Norway, and Scotland slept with strangers while Romania and England were fortunate to have each other as roommates with a few other Slytherins with them. Although, to Romania and England, being roommates is rotten luck.

Wales, who turned himself to a dragon, watched his little brother until England had fallen asleep. After he made sure that the brit is safe, Wales flies to Scotland's room and looked through the window to see him. The redhead's already asleep, topless. With that, Wales left the castle.

Morning came, and sunlight spread across the land. The Nations woke up and after changing into their uniforms which consists of cloaks and ties, they all headed to the Great Hall. They had their breakfast there and once done, they had a fifteen-minute break. The four first year Nations goes out in the open field to talk and exchange stories. There are no rules that restricts students from different houses to be together.

"As first years and basic wizardry, we have..." England was trying to read their schedules and classes until Romania snatched the scroll away from him.

"We have Transfiguration, Charms, Potions, History of Magic, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Astronomy, and Herbology. And it seems that first years are required to take flying lessons." Romania read out loud.

"I'm going to love Charms and Potions." Romania pointed out to everyone.

"Now give me that!" England snatched back his schedule from Romania, sticking his tongue out. The Romanian brought out his tongue as well.

A bunch of Hufflepuffs passed by, waving their hands to Bulgaria. Some smiled, and others greeted him. Bulgaria greeted them back with a warm smile.

"You made friends that fast?" Romania narrowed his eyes at Bulgaria.

The raven-haired laughed nervously at his friend's facial expression. "We just talked and shared some stories, and we became friends."

This time, a group of students from different houses passed by.

"Hello Nikola!"

"Nice seeing you again!"

"Let's talk again sometime, okay?"

Bulgaria just smiles and waves as they leave. The Nations can still hear their voices from afar.

"That guy's a great fella."

"I agree with you on that one."

The rest of the Nations looked at him, having looks of disbelief, except for Norway who always had a pokerface on.

"Even with the other houses?" Romania pressed.

"Funny story actually. I got lost last night in the halls of Hogwarts and came across several students, they helped me out and we talked for a little but we eventually became frien-"

"Now shut up." Romania covered Bulgaria's mouth in annoyance. No one knows if its jealousy or irritation. The poor boy continued to make muffled sounds until his friend decided to let go.

They continued to tell stories until the bell rang, signaling for the first class of the day. The first class they needed to take is Potions, much to Romania's delight. It's a one-hour class, and the students goes straight to potion making.

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