chapter one

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Previously on 'the trust series'
Tom Matthew is defeated.
•Marcus and Abby work to rebuild trust around camp
•a group of Ark survivors stumbles into camp
•Callie kisses Marcus

Abby checks all of the survivors who just came through the gate. After she is done, she realizes that she wished there were more people who needed her. More patients.

But there's not and that's just it. No one. No one to fix. No one to save. No one to heal. Except for herself.

Bellamy checks on her, "hey? How ya' doing?"

She feels tears coming to her eyes. She coughs to cover it up, "I'm good. finishing up."

"Listen about Marcus and Callie..." Bellamy says.

"No need. I'm good. They deserve to be happy."

"Why don't you go get some sleep?" Bellamy asks.

"No. I can't just" Abby sighs, "I can't. Too busy."

Bellamy turns to leave but then stops, "you'll get through this. I know you will." Bellamy leaves.

Abby sits on the bench.

What do I do? Listen to my heart? Or my head?

Abby walks to her quarters to work on some plans for expanding Arkadia. She runs into Callie and Marcus.

"Oh Abby. Perfect timing. Me and Marcus are going to the bar. Want to come with?" Callie asks.

"Afraid I can't. Things to do. People to see."

"What? Who's the lucky fella?" Callie asks.

Abby freezes. She looks past Callie straight at Marcus.

Abby shakes out of her thoughts, "by people I meant paperwork. Plans......for the ark....for arkadia."

Marcus and Callie stare at her. Abby looks down at her feet.

"Oh come on it'll be like old times. The three musketeers. What do you say?" Callie says.

Abby looks up, "I don't remember it." Abby walks past them and to her quarters.

In the bar

Callie sighs as she gulps down the last of her drink. Marcus looks at her from across the table.

"You okay?" Marcus asks.

"I just don't get it. I guess the ground does change people." Callie replies.

"Hey its okay. Abby. Well she just has a lot to deal with right now."

"I just wish I could talk to her, but its like she's wants nothing to do with me."

Marcus glances around. He can't stand to see her
Like this. "Hey I have work to do. I'll see you around." Marcus says standing up.

"See you around." Callie says.

"Don't do anything stupid." He tells her.

"Fine. Meet you in your quarters."

"Yeah." Marcus says walking toward Abby's quarters.

Abby's quarters

Abby sits on her bed as she goes through plies of papers full of plans for expanding Arkadia.

"You know. You could try to be her friend."

Abby continues staring at her paperwork. "Go away Kane."

"We're back to this. I don't want to be Kane. I want to be Marcus."

"Well as long as she's here. You're not going to be."

"Don't do this. Don't push the people you care about away."

"Why not? Its going to happen anyway."

Marcus goes and sits by her on the bed. "Me and Callie are friends that's it. I love you."

"I have work to do," Abby says getting up.

Marcus pulls her back down to sit by him. "Look me in the eye. Look me in the eye and tell me you don't love me. That you don't want whatever it is we have. And I'll leave."

Abby looks up at him, "Marcus I don't-" her voice is stopped short as she looks into those deep brown eyes. She looks back down.

"You can't do it can you? That's okay I couldn't either. I kept telling myself, this isn't right. Jake was my best friend. I can't be with Abby. I killed her husband. But I can't deny my feelings for you any longer. I love you."

Abby looks up at him. "Marcus we can't-"

Abby's words are cut short by a loud knock at the door.

"Abby? Its me Callie!"

Abby gets up and answers the door. " I help you?"

"I hope so. Have you seen Marcus? I can't find him anywhere."

"Yeah. Right here. I was just about to leave." Marcus says emerging from the shadows.

"Goodnight Chancellor." Marcus says.

"And you Councillor." Abby replied.

Abby watched as they walked to Marcus's quarters. "I love you too." She mummered as she walked into her quarters and shut the door behind her.

First chapter is done. Okay just a fair warning you guys may hate me in this book, but don't worry I promise kabby is endgame!!!

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