chapter two

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Abby wakes up and its still dark. She walks outside. She breathes in the fresh air. Its quiet. Just how she likes it.

She sits down on the ground. A tear falls down her cheek. She closes her eyes. Concentrating on not losing her mind.

"Hello chancellor. Couldn't sleep?" Bellamy asks sitting by her.

Abby quickly wipes the tears off her face, "hey Bellamy."

"Rough night?"

"The nightmare's came back. He's gone one night and the nightmare's come back." Abby says.

"Listen. I know you are hurting over Marcus, but you have people here other than Marcus that care about you. You're not alone." Bellamy reassures her..

"Everyone I love leaves me. I am alone." Abby says as another tear runs down her cheek.

"You're not alone." Bellamy tells her yet again.

Silence follows. Abby's face is wet with tears. Her breathing is really rapid. She struggles to get breaths between sniffles.

"Hey." Bellamy says putting a hand on her back. "It could be worse. He could be dead."

"He's with Callie. He is dead to me." Abby says as she gets up and heads to medical, leaving Bellamy alone.

Marcus's quarters

Callie kisses Marcus again. "You know I think I like you better with the beard."

Marcus pushes Callie off of him. "I can't right now Callie. There's just too much I have to deal with. I'm sorry." Marcus sits up in his bed.

Callie sits up and looks at him curiously. "Its about Abby isn't it?"

Marcus looks at the floor. "No. This is about me this time. It has absolutely nothing to do with Abby."

"Then what in the world is wrong with you? I have this feeling that you and Abby are hiding something from me." Callie rubs his shoulder and scoots closer to him. "Please Marcus. Talk to me."

"I can't. I'm sorry." Marcus gets up, puts his shoes and jacket on and walks out of his room.

He is walking through the halls when he sees her in the medical room. "Abby?" He whispers as he walks deeper into the room.

"Hey." Abby says as she looks up at him from her chair.

Marcus sits beside her. He lets out a long exaggerated sigh. "Shouldn't you be sleeping?"

"I tried. It didn't work." Abby replied.

"Nightmares." Marcus said more of a statement than a question.

"What about you? Why are you not with Callie."

He chuckles, "guilty conscious."

"About me?"

"Yeah......I just.....The way I feel around her is nothing like I feel when I'm with you."

"Well. She worked for you on the ark." She paused then continued as she looked into his eyes. "Make it work for you again."

"Abby." He sighed as he scooted closer. "I can't pretend that I love her because of my feelings for you."

"You loved her once. You can learn to do it again." Abby told him as she stood up and walked over to a table.

She calms her breathing. She chuckles, "you know its funny. Yesterday. I thought everything was normal. That I could finally start a life on the ground. Now? I know that happy endings.....for me. They only exist in fairytales."

Marcus gets up and walks to her. He grabs her waist and slowly turns her around.

"You don't have to do this. We can make it work. There has to be another way to resolve this."

Abby looks at his lips. She stands on her toes and kisses him. Her hands come up to his neck. His hands remain on her waist. He pulls her closer. He lifts her up and sets her on the table. His hands then go up to her neck. Abby's hand go down to his waist.

Abby pulls away. Marcus's hands go back down too her waist. Abby moves her hands back to his neck. A tear rolls down her cheek as she looks down. Marcus leans his forehead against hers. After a few minutes, she pushes him away and looks back up, into his brown eyes, " I know I'm doing the right thing. I know because I really don't want to do it."


"Please. Just go. She needs this. She needs you. And I'll try to be easy on her. I promise."

"We need to talk about this. All three of us. If we tell her. She might understand."

"There's no guarantee of that. Marcus. You have to promise you won't tell her. This could make mine and Callie's and our relationship a lot more complicated."

Marcus sighs, "okay."

Abby presses one more soft kiss to his lips. Then walks back to her own quarters.

Kabby needs to kiss already. They are literally killing me. The sexual tension is killing me. Just kiss. Please!!! Am I the only one??

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