chapter twelve

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"What if Callie fails?" James asks as Abby paces the cave entrance.

"She won't." Abby says.

"How do you know that?" James asks.

"I don't." Abby says and James laughs. "But what I do know is that she won't give up on him because she loves him."

"Kind of like you love him." James says.

Abby sighs, "yeah."

"And let me guess. You haven't told Callie about you and Marcus." James continues.

"There is no me and Marcus. I can assure you of that." Abby says.

"That night you kissed me." James says.

"What about it?" Abby asks.

"It wasn't me. I mean you didn't want it to be me. You wanted Marcus, but he was busy, so you settled for me." James said.

Abby sighs and walks over to him. "It wasn't about needing Marcus. I just needed someone. And you were there. He wasn't. Simple as that."

"Right. Simple. As soon as we fix this problem. Me and you. We are done." James says.

"James?" Abby asks in confusion.

"I'm so tired of being the second choice. And I'm not going to be that anymore." James says, taking a step away from her.

"Second choice? James-" Abby says.

"I was when it came to Jake. Now I'm the second choice again.....when it comes to Marcus."

Abby sighs, "James. I-"

"Can you two give me a hand?" Came a voice.

"Callie." Abby says running out.

"He's in the back of the rover. Hurry. He'll wake up any minute." Callie said.

"James tie him up somewhere." Abby said. "Hey." Abby said, grabbing Callie's arm, "what's wrong?"

"Its been three weeks since we left camp. Since we found out what this thing does. Three weeks since I've seen the real Marcus." Callie says, "I saw something in the camp. The chipped people. They're building something. It looks like a bomb Abby."

"How many are with Jaha now?" Abby asks.

"Too many. Nearly all the camp took this thing. Even Jackson did." Callie said.

"What?" Abby asks.

"I'm sorry Abby. I know Jackson is like a son to you." Callie said.

"He better hope that I calm down by the time this is over because I'm gonna kick his butt when we fix this." Abby said.

"Hey Abby?" Callie asks.

"Yeah." Abby says.

"I've been meaning to ask you something. About Marcus and you." Callie said.

"Callie-" Abby says.

"Hey guys! He's waking up!" James says.

"Come on." Abby says, leading Callie into the cave.

"Let me go!" Screams Marcus.

"Marcus. You need to listen to me." Callie said, squatting down by him. "I love you. And I need you to come back to me."

"How about you come back to me?" Marcus asks.

"You aren't you. You're not the man I'm in love with." Callie said.

"Love can be great, don't get me wrong, but in the end, it always ends with pain. Isn't that right Abigail?"

"Shut up. You're not you." Abby said.

"I am one hundred percent me."

"No. This is A.L.I.E." Abby told him.

"No. Abby. You're wrong. This is me. This is Marcus. The one you fell in love with."

Abby's heart drops. She closes her eyes. When she open them Callie is looking at her with question.

"Oh that's right. We were keeping it a secret from Callie. You were afraid that it would ruin your relationship." Marcus says.

"Okay. This is not working." James said, taking a sedative from his bag and injecting it into Marcus's neck. "I'll give you two some time."

"What was he talking about?" Callie asks.

"Callie. You have to know that I never meant to hurt you." Abby says.

"You and Marcus. Why wouldn't you tell me? I thought I was your friend."

"You are Callie. I just couldn't......" Abby sighs, "I was afraid. Afraid that you would....I'm so sorry."

"You better be. And when this is over. Me and you. We are done." Callie says.


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