chapter ten

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"Abby." Marcus says as he knocks on Abby's door. "Abby." He says again. "Please answer me."

"Go. Away." Abby says.

"You don't have to be afraid. I'm here for you." Marcus says.

"We need her." A.L.I.E. says appearing next to Marcus. "She can persuade your people to join me."

"Abby. You can't stay in there forever. Let me in. We need to talk." Marcus says.

"No. Please I need to be alone right now." Abby says.

"Try harder." A.L.I.E. says.

"I love you." Marcus says. "Always have. Always will."

"Marcus." Abby says getting up from where she was sitting on the bed and opening the door.

Something was different about him. The way he looked at her. Something in his eyes.

"What's wrong with you?" Abby asked.

Marcus chuckles, then smiles. "Abby." He says putting his hands on her shoulders, "I'm fine."

Abby looks at his hands then back to him. "No you're not. Its something in your eyes. Something's different about you."

Marcus pushes her gently into the room, then shuts the door.

"You should be with Callie." Abby says.

"Callie can wait." Marcus says leaning in to kiss her.

Abby puts her hands on his chest, stopping him from kissing her. "What happened after I left Jaha and you?"

Marcus sighed, "can't it wait till after the sun comes up?"

"No. It can't." Abby says stepping around him towards the door. "And the real Marcus would know that."

He takes a step toward her, "I am the real Marcus. I'm your Marcus."

Abby feels her heart breaking. "I'm sorry." Abby says, then runs out the door.

"Stop her." A.L.I.E. says.

Abby runs down the hallway. She looks behind her and Marcus is on her tail. She sees Callie's door. She opens it and slams it shut behind her, locking it.

"Abby?" Callie says coming into Abby's line of sight. "What are you doing here?"

"Shh. Get down." Abby says pulling Callie to the ground. "Don't make a sound." Abby peeks around the corner of the desk they are hiding behind and listens as Marcus continues running down the hallway. Abby releases a breath.

Callie gets up, followed by Abby. "Abby. What the heck is going on?" Callie asks.

"Jaha. He-" Abby says.

"Jaha's alive!? That's great!" Callie says , then she sees Abby's frown, "isn't it?"

"Jaha has this pill. He calls it the key to the city of light. Apparently there's no death there. He thinks that this is the way to save our people."

"Is it?" Callie asks.

"I don't know. What I do know is that Marcus took this key and now Marcus isn't Marcus. And I have no idea how to fix it." Abby says.

"Abby. We have to fix this. I can't lose him again." Callie says.

Abby nods, "we will. Listen Marcus and Jaha are going to start handing out these things like candy. We need to shut them down. Now."

"How do we do that?" Callie asks.

"We need to find out more about this key." Abby says.

"And how-"


"Me? You can't possibly be serious? I'm just a tech. Abby. I don't know the first thing about drugs."

"You don't have to. Just ask them some basic questions." Abby says.


"Like....Memory questions. Jaha said this thing gets rid of pain. Ask them memory questions relating to their past pain. And if you can get me one of these keys so I can run a test. See if this is a drug."

"Okay. Painful questions. Got it." Callie said, getting ready to leave.

"Oh and Callie."

"Yes. Abby."

"Please. Be careful and do not take this key under any circumstances." Abby says.

"You too." Callie says walking out the door.

Just a BTW: this will not follow the same plot line of A.L.I.E. as the show did.

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