Chapter eight

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Abby strokes Marcus's beard as she looks at him. He stirs slightly beneath her. She kisses right below his jaw. His eyes flutter open. He runs his hand up her back.

She moves her hand to run through his hair. "We should get up." She says, not moving.

"After you." He replies, looking up at her.

"Jerk." She replies, sofly kissing him again.

He kisses her back, then pulls away. "Yeah. But I'm your jerk."

"Yeah. Come on. We have to get going." Abby says getting up and pulling her jeans on.

Marcus follows suit. After they get dressed, they walk out of Mount weather. The sun hasn't risen, but is close. Marcus's eyes fall on two horses tied to a nearby tree. "You have got to be kidding me?" Abby says.

Marcus laughs as he walks over to untie the two horses, "what? You don't like to ride horses?"

"Oh. No. You misunderstand, I love riding horses.I just don't want to show off." Abby says walking over and grabs the reins of the black horse.

"Show off? Yeah whatever." Marcus says pulling himself on the other horse.

"Race you!" Abby says as she races off on her horse in the direction of the Arkadia.

Marcus races after her, "hey! Not fair! You got a head start!" He yells at her.

As they near the camp they stop and get off their horses. Marcus takes both of the reins, leading the horses. Abby walks beside him.

The gates of Arkadia open and people swarm them. Octavia and Lincoln take their horses to the stables. Bellamy, Callie, and James clear the citizens away from Marcus and Abby.

"Callie." Marcus smiles.

"Marcus." Callie breathes a sigh of relief as she walks up and hugs him.

"Hey. Abs. How was the trip?" James says hugging her.

"It was okay. Good to be home." Abby says, pulling away.

"We need to talk." He mummers in her ear before walking inside the Ark.

Callie pulls away from Marcus. "I'm so glad you two are back. I was so worried. You were supposed to be back last night." Callie says, keeping her arm wrapped around Marcus's waist.

"Yeah. Sorry about that. Kind of got held up." Abby says.

"Well. I'm just glad you two are okay." Callie says. "Abby. I'll see you later. Me and Marcus are going to work out the kinks in the cameras. Come on." She says tugging Marcus away from Abby.

"I'll see you later?" Marcus says to Abby as Callie tries to tug him away from Abby.

"Yeah." Abby says as she watches him get tugged away.

Abby walks into her quarters, "so. You fell in love with him!?"

Abby looks back into the hallways of the Ark, then shuts the door and look at James, "shut up! Do you want everyone to know?"

"Are you going to tell Callie?" He asks standing up.

"There's nothing to tell her. Besides it doesn't matter. They deserve to be happy." Abby says.

"And what if she finds out?" James asks.

"Then she finds out." Abby says.

"No. Abby. What if she finds out?" James repeated.

Abby turns and gives him a curious, yet deadly look. "Are you implying-"

"That you slept with Marcus? You bet I am." James says.

"It was one night. And it was nothing. If anything it was just a relief." Abby says.

"Callie truly loves him." James says.

"I know." Abby says.

"So do you." James says.

"Yeah. I do." Abby says, sitting on her bed.

"Any other guy." James says.

"What?" Abby asks looking up at him.

"You could have fell for any other guy. But you had to fall for the guy who floated my brother."

"Hey! Jake was my husband. His death didn't just hurt you." Abby says.

"I know!" James calms himself and sits back down. "Which is why I don't understand. Why? Why him Abby?"

Abby walks over to him and kneels in front of him grabbing his hands in hers. "Hey. Look at me." She says.

When his eyes reaches hers she continues, "I'm sorry. But I can't explain it. Why I had to fall for the guy who killed the man I swore I would protect, but I'm the one who turned him in. If its anyone's fault Jake is dead. Its mine."

"You told Jaha so he would talk to him. Its not your fault. You tried talking to him. If you hadn't told Jaha you would've gotten floated too."

A tear rolls down Abby's cheek, "it still doesn't make it right." She says.

"So what now?" James asks.

"I don't know." Abby replies.

James hesitates then leans down to kiss her. Abby flinches, shocked at the sudden move, but then kisses him back.

Sorry guys. Updates might be a little slow. I don't have anything else written up. And the way I write ideas just come together as get further into the book. So yeah!!!

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