Chapter Eighteen

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"This way!" Abby yells running down a hallway. She sees a room, possibly a closest.

She runs in, followed by Bellamy and Callie. Abby slams the door and locks it.

She sits against the door, breathing heavily.

"Who. Was. That?" Callie asks.

"Not who. What. And those were reapers. People who were experimented on and changed by the mountain men. People from mount weather." Bellamy explains.

"Well. We are in a closet and we need to get to the main control room and that's upstairs." Callie says.

"We'll figure something out Callie." Abby says.

"Abby." The radio crackles.

"James?" Abby replies to the walkie.

"Please tell me you're at the radio tower." James says.

Abby hesitates, "sort of."

"Abby you guys have got to hurry." James warns her.

"What? We still have fifty two hours right?" Abby says checking her watch that she had set.

"Abby. I don't know how they did it, but you only have sixteen hours till the bomb go off." James says.

"Where are you now?" Abby asks.

"I'm in the secret tunnel leading out of Arkadia. I have my watch set for the bomb detonation." James says, then continues, "don't worry I'm keeping an eye on the camp."

"Thanks James. I'll talk to you later. Be safe." Abby says.

"You too."

"Okay. Sixteen hours. We have to find a way out of here now." Abby says.

Reapers are clawing at the door, beating on it, trying to get in.

"The vent." Abby says.

"Excuse me?" Bellamy asks.

"The vent. Get the cover off. We can crawl through there. It has to work." Abby says.

Bellamy and Callie work together and get the vent cover off with no problems.

"Come on Abby." Callie says.

Abby takes a breath and runs into the ventilation tunnels.


James crawls under the floor of the Ark. He hears voices in the war room. He stops and listens.

"We must stop them before they destroy everything." Jaha says.

"They won't listen to me. I've tried to reason with them." Marcus says.

"Then make them." Jaha says.

"You're asking me to kill them?" Marcus asks.

"Yes. If it comes to that. Join or die." Jaha says.

"Join or die," Marcus repeats. "I'll take the majority of the camp and go attack them."

"Marcus." A.L.I.E. says, "they're at the radio tower. You must move now. Jaha you must go with him."

"The radio tower. Alright." Marcus repeats, then leaves.

"Abby." James whispers.

James crawls back to his hiding place. "Abby. Come in."

"James? What now?" She asks.

"You have to end this now. Marcus and Jaha are leading an attack against the radio tower." James tells her.

"What?" Abby asks.

"Abby. They're going to kill you. If you don't join them they will kill you." James says.

"Thanks. For everything James. I got to go. We're almost to the main control room." Abby says.

"I'll see you after all this is over. You owe me a drink." James says.

"I owe you more than one." Abby says.

"Then give me more than one. I'll drink all of them." James says.

"Bye James." Abby says.

"Bye Abs." James says.

Radio tower

They all look through the vent cover, "okay." Bellamy says, "there's the stairway access."

"So run like the devil's chasing you?" Abby asks.

"Exactly." Bellamy says, "ready?" He asks.

"I'm ready." Callie says.

"Me too." Abby says.

"On three." Bellamy says. "One. Two.....Three." Bellamy pushes the vent cover off and they run towards the door. Once all three of them are in the stairwell, Bellamy shuts the door and jams it.

"Okay let's go," Abby says.

They enter the control room, "okay let's end this once and for all." Abby says.

Only like 1-2 more chapters guys!! Should I make a sequel to this book?? I have a plan if y'all want one. Just let me know.

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