Chapter Fourteen

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Oops I used an "olicity" quote for a "kabby" quote. Oh well. Who ships olicity? I do!!!

Abby sits low in the bushes outside of Arkadia. "What are you up to A.L.I.E.?"

"Abby?" Says a voice.

Abby whips around. "Bellamy?"

"What are you doing out here?" He asked.

"What was your mother's name?" Abby asked.

"Aurora. Why?"

"Did you take one of Jaha's keys?" Abby asked.

"You mean to the city of light? No way. He's crazy. Pain kind of defines me. Take that away. There's nothing left." Bellamy says.

Abby smiles, "good." Abby walks up and hugs him. "I'm so glad I still have one friend."

"What are you talking about?" Bellamy asked.

Abby explained everything to him.

"What's going to happen to our people in a week?" Bellamy asked.

"I don't know. A.L.I.E. is up to something. But I can't get Marcus to tell me. He is just too connected to A.L.I.E." Abby says.

"I'll be your mole. Let me go back to camp and dig around. I'll see what I can find." Bellamy says.

"Meet be back here. Three hours." Abby says.

"Okay. Three hours." Bellamy says.

At the cave

"Where's Callie?" Abby asks.

"Talking to Marcus. Where have you been?" James asked.

"Trying to figure out what A.L.I.E. is up to." Abby replies.

"Any luck?"

Abby shakes her head no.

"We'll figure it out." James says, "hey. Just so you know. I'm not going to walk out of your life. I'll still be there. I just got really mad and I hated that I was invisible to you. I'm sorry."

Abby hugs him, "thank you. I don't think I could've lost another friend."

"Well. I just want you to be happy." James says.

Abby looks up at him. He has a smile on his face. "What?" Abby asks.

"Just stay still." James says taking a step towards her.

"Why?" Abby asks not moving.

"Cause I'm going to kiss you." James said.

"James-" Abby warns.

"Abby." James says right before his lips collide with hers.

James pulls back. "Thank you. I really needed that."

"Wait. You kissed me." Abby said

"I know. Thank you." James said.

They smile at each other then they hear something crash.

"Callie!" Abby screamed, running into the other room. "Oh my gosh." Abby muttered.

Marcus was choking Callie.

"Hey get off of her!" James yelled throwing Marcus off of her. "You okay doll?" He asks Callie.

Callie is coughing. James turns around to take care of Marcus, but Marcus somehow got hold of a gun and is pointing it straight at James and Callie.

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