Chapter fifteen

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Bellamy, Callie and Abby are waiting for James to return.

"Callie. How's it going?" Abby asked.

"The wrist band connects to this amplifier. Press this button and the shock wave goes out, but Abby. We need a bigger impact zone. If we connect all of this to something like a radio tower then it would be perfect for what we need to do." Callie said.

"Okay. Bellamy. You've been down here the longest. Seen anything like that?" Abby asks.

Bellamy thinks, "maybe. I can check real quick. I'll be back."

"Okay. Be careful."

"Is this going to work?" Callie asks.

"What?" Abby asks.

"Do you think that this is going to work?" Callie asks, "its your idea."

"I hope so." Abby said.

"Hey." James says walking through the door.

"Where have you been!?" Abby asks. "Where's Marcus?"

"He got back to camp. I'm sorry." James says.

"Are you okay?" Abby asks.

"Yeah. I'm fine." James says.

Callie stops what she is doing and comes over to where Abby and James are.

"What was your brother's name?" Callie asks.

"My brother?" James asks.

Suddenly more people file into the cave. Marcus joins them.

"No." Abby says. "James snap out of it!" Abby screams as Callie and her back up against a wall.

"You should be here Abby. Take the key." James says.

"No. Never." Callie says pulling a gun out and points it at James. "Get away."

Marcus steps in front of the gun, "you threaten one of us. You threaten us all." He says then all the other people begin to chant the phrase over and over.

Callie drops the gun, "Abby?" She asks "what do we do?"

"She knows exactly what to do. Take the key." Marcus says.

The crowd is still chanting.

"Abby-" Callie says as someone sedates her.

"Callie!" Abby screams. "Stop. If its me you want. Take me, but please leave her. Do you hear me A.L.I.E.? Take me!"

Marcus silences the crowd with his hand, "you can still save her."

Someone from the crowd gives Marcus a sedative. Marcus walks closer to her, "its okay." Two people come to hold her against the wall, one of them pushing her head to the side.

Marcus looks at her, "just look at me." Abby fights as Marcus moves the needle closer to her neck.

Marcus looks at her and leans his head closer to her and kisses her. Abby relaxes and kisses him back. It feels like the real him. The real Marcus. She feels a sting in her neck, then her body starts to go limp. Marcus drops the syringe that had the sedative and catches her as she falls to the ground, "I've got you baby. I've got you."

Then everything goes dark.

Abby starts to wake up. Everything's blurry. She's tied to a chair.

"Welcome home Abby." Says a voice.

"Marcus?" Abby says, "I can't see. Everything's blurry."

She sees a figure come toward her. Its a man. She struggles against her restraints.

"Shh. Its okay." The man says, cradling her face. "The blurriness is just an effect of the sedative."

Her vision clears up and memories come back.

"Where's Callie!?" Abby demands.

Marcus smirks, "you've asked me that one to many times."

"Where's my friend!?" Abby yelled.

"She's fine. For now." Marcus says, getting up and walking over to a table.

Abby stays silent then after a while finally speaks, "I'm sorry."

Marcus looks at her, "excuse me?"

"I did this to you. I turned you into this thing. This monster. I am so sorry." Abby says a tear running down her cheek.

Marcus grabs a syringe, "just so you know. I'd rather not do this." Marcus walks over to her. He squats down by her. "Don't make me the bad guy." Marcus says.

"Please." Abby says crying, "I'm begging you don't."

"Last chance, take the key." Marcus says, holding the syringe up.

Abby shakes her head, "I can't."

"I'm sorry." He injects the needle into his wrist.

"No. No. No. Please Marcus! No!" Abby screams.

Marcus's body drops to the floor. His body is reacting to the poison.

"You can stop this." Jaha says coming into the room. "You can save him. Take the key and I'll give him the antidote."

Abby looks at Marcus. He's getting worse. His body jerks up and down. The toxins of the poison is making its way further down his bloodstream.

"Please! He'll die!" Abby screams.

"The body will, yes." Jaha says.

"No. He's your friend please." Abby begs.

"You're running out of time Abby."

Oh no!!! A cliffhanger!!! I just had to do it. Hope you like the update.


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