Chapter Seventeen

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"You want me to do what!?" James asked.

"Listen we need someone in the camp and honestly you're the best bet we've got. You used to sneak around all the time on the Ark." Abby says as she hands him a walkie talkie.

James takes the walkie, "if I die I'm coming back to haunt you." He says as he smiles.

"Just keep an eye on that bomb and don't get caught." Abby says, smiling.

James says bye to everyone then shakes Bellamy's hand, "take care of them." James says.

"I will. I promise." Bellamy says.

James nods, "see you in another life brother." James says walking out of the cave.

"Okay. Wristband is all charged up. We just have to get it to that radio tower." Callie says.

"Alright. Let's go." Abby says.

They load up the machine into rover then Bellamy takes them to the radio tower.

Abby holds onto the walkie talkie. Callie and Bellamy are talking in the front of the rover.

"James?" Abby asks as she holds the walkie up to her mouth.

"Yeah?" Comes the reply.

"Where are you?" Abby asks.

"Almost at the camp. Why?" James asks.

"Just checking. Be careful." Abby says.

"Why do you keep saying that?" James asks.

Abby shakes her head, "no reason. I just don't want to lose anyone else."

"You blame yourself. Don't you?" James asks.

"If I would have tried harder to stop Jaha. None of this would be happening." Abby says.

"So let's just say for argument sake that this is completely your fault. You made a mistake. Learn from it or run from it. Your choice. I got to go. I'm nearing the camp."

"See you later." Abby says.

"You too. Abs." James says.

"He'll be okay Abby." Callie says.

"I hope so." Abby says.

"We're here." Bellamy says, stopping the rover and shutting it off. He opens the door and gets out.

Abby and Callie follow him out of the rover.

"Wow." Abby says looking at the tall tower.

"This is perfect." Callie says as she walks up to Bellamy and Abby.

"Come on. Let's go inside."

The trio walks inside. The radio tower reminds Abby of the bunker where Emerson was hiding out.

"I know this isn't easy. But I want it to work." Abby says.

"Its never been easy."

Abby smiles at the memory of the conversation Marcus and her had shared. The conversation that sparked the beginning.

She remembers she kissed him, telling him she loved him. She remembers him telling her that he knew.

"Power switch should be over here." Bellamy says walking over to a switch on the wall. It was a lever that was mounted on the wall. He pulled the lever down, but nothing happened.

"Bellamy?" Abby asks.

"I have no idea. I just assumed it worked." Bellamy says, "I guess its fried. Probably has been since the bombs."

"Don't give up just yet. There has to be a main breaker somewhere around here." Callie says.

"We could try the lower level. Stair access is this way." Bellamy says.

They walk down the stairs and enter the bottom level of the bunker.

"Spread out and look for a breaker box, but stay within shouting distance." Bellamy says.

The three people split up and look around. After a long time of silence and concentration Callie yells, "guys! Over here."

Abby turns to go meet up with Callie and Bellamy when she hears shuffling. She turns back around.

"Hello?" She says to the darkness.

She hears heaving breathing. It begins to fade out then is gone completely. Abby turns the corner and shines her flashlight on the floor. She sees a body mutilated and blood is everywhere. Her mind and heart races.

The lights flicker on. Abby drops her flashlight and runs to Bellamy and Callie.

"Abby. There you are. Look. We found the switch." Callie says.

"We got to get out of here. Now!" Abby says pulling them toward the stair access.

"What!? Why!?" Bellamy says.

They stop when they see a body on the floor, but this is a bloodied, mutilated body.

"Oh my-" Callie says.

They hear growling noises and heaving breathing advancing toward them.

"Reapers! Run!" Abby screams and they all take off in the opposite direction.

Sorry. I've been in a writers block mode. I've been trying to think but you know how it is...


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